Diagnosisness :)

Jul 10, 2007 17:43

For quite a while now I have felt incredibly odd (I can feel your eyebrows raising as I write that), as if I was going loopy and have been so tired that I have been sleeping continually and felt so low I’ve been avoiding seeing anyone. I have been on a diet (with diet pills) but am still putting on weight, all of which has distressed me greatly.

So I went to see my doctor and told her all about it. She looked at me seriously and said “When you say ...‘loopy’ what exactly do you mean?” and I suddenly got the feeling she was going to section me. But she didn’t *grin* She sent me for tests and it turns out I am Insulin Resistant (the root cause of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).

Which means I now have a medical reason for being overweight (not that there is a cure but it’s nice to be justified) It actually says "A woman who’s obese with this condition has greater difficulty in losing weight than another obese woman who doesn’t have this problem with insulin resistance" so when I felt I was being conspired against, I was.

Insulin resistance prevents cells using sugar in the blood normally (ie making energy) and the sugar is stored as fat instead. How jolly unfair is that! Not only does it convert sugar to fat but it converts carbohydrates to fat too! So all the time I’ve been having jacket potato and salad for lunch and thinking I’m being good I may as well have been eating Chocolate fudge cake!! (which incidently is only classed as a medium GI level in my new bible, and jacket potato is classed as high).

So as a result I have been put on the pill (a new wonderdrug type pill) to hopefully even out my hormones and it has been recommended that I follow a low GI diet. This is not such a horrendous ordeal for me as it would be for RJ (we now officially have no one food that we can both safely eat!). I just have to get my head around all this GI-ness, it is terribly confusing, take for example a raw carrot has a medium GI but large onion rings from Burger King have a low GI!!! How can that be!
Another one:
Lard = low GI
Melon Seeds = High GI
And another!:
Vegetable pasty = Medium GI
Broad bean = High GI

I am so confused! But I am not loopy! *grin*
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