It's seems like forever since everything started.
I'm feeling pretty restless.
I really want to move away.
I am pretty over seeing the same faces and dealing with the same bullshit problems.
But really, where would I go? And seriously, it wouldnt be any better.
I know that eventually, this anxiety will start to fade and I will be able to deal with everything better. Feelings will fade. but right now, I really don't want it to. I don't want my feelings towards him to die, I loved being in love with him. Man, so much shit hasd been happening... so much confusing shit.
Am I only remembering the goodtimes? Probably.
I just hate how hard this all is, and I hate how you eventually forget about this horrible pain and then you do it all over again and again and again, with different people. People that you will put all your faith and trust in and most of the time they do the same for you.
I want to erase the past 3 months.
I want to go back to our 1 year, and start again from there....
I know I will get over it. I know I will. It's just so hard.
There will be other boys with bigger side-burns, tighter jeans and more records.... they are out there.
I just find myself sitting at home most nights just wishing I was her.
And thats fucked up.
I am me.
I know I am better.
She will never know she was 2nd.
But I will.
Man, I need to take more air in.
Bye Bye kitten face. We never did make any promises.