Jan 05, 2013 12:34
Hello LJ, it's been a while.
Actually, it's been a really long while. So long that I'm like uh, what's going on with the profile pages? And the choose your icon thing? And this whole new entry post thing?
I've just not really had the time or interest to come here all that much anymore. No school work to procrastinate on, no crazy drama or life changing events to report, just not much to say at all. I still visit ONTD for my celebrity gossip and what have you, but that's about it. I'm also so out of fandom it's ridiculous.
But I'd like to try to work on that. I should get back into journaling. Maybe start with small steps, like a book or movie log (trying to work on that too). That doesn't seem too intimidating.
There's just other things competing for my attention. My friend is trying to get me into Reddit, which is ok, don't go there much. I do Pinterest though! And then there's things like work and puppies and family and money and chores and all those other real life things that take up so much of your time that before you know it, it's 2013 and you're like dang, where did the last 4 months of my life go?
So here's hoping, 2013, possibly the year I get back into LJ. Maybe. Just like maybe the year I'll actually get in shape? Or stop biting my nails? Move out? Get a boyfriend? Or a real job? Maybe?