Livejournal fail. Apparently LJ does not want me to change my layout. This is a real pity, because I have all the codes ready (not that I made them, I found them), yet LJ will not permit me to use them.
Uni is going quite well. I'm really enjoying my arts subjects, and law is also interesting. Classics is very intense, if also fascinating, and as a result I'm fairly sure I've missed a lot of what we've covered. Then again, we did 3000 years in four lectures, so that's probably to be expected. I have also spent way too much time walking around town with The Beast aka my bag, a giant black shoulder bag which pretends ot be a handbag but which is actually just...enormous. And always very full.
Due to the incompetence of other people, I was forced to sprint from the corner of two main roads to my bus stop while dodging pedestrians, carrying this bag. I was not happy. I am also still not happy about the $75 I am owed by a certain organisation, because people misinformed me and I literally had to front up for the bill. I must have cut a very comical sight. Dishevelled uni student hurtling down sidewalk, massive bag bouncing on her shoulder, hair a complete mess, eyes glazed with that 'I will catch this bus or I will cry' expression.
The song 'Guilty Pleasure' by Becca of Kuroshitsuji fame is wicked. In a terrible, morally depraved kind of way. I should hate it. Instead I love it. *sings* I don't really care if you're not single, we could use each other just a little...
I've been a bit alarmed recently because I have started shaking a little at random intervals. The first time was at the post office, my hands were shaking so badly I was having issues with the lables, then it happened again at Japanese. I'd blame caffeine, but a) I hadn't had any before the first incident and b) caffeine has never really affected me. :/ Problem. I hope it won't happen again.
And ZOMG! It is RIDICULOUS! Of all my guy friends, I can count on one had the ones who actually like girls. I have NO issue with guys being gay or bi, but seriously, it's getting CRAZY. Half of them are gay, and another third are bi, plus all the bi ones seem to currently be screwing/pursuing men. Fail. FAIL.
I would like a boy for myself nao plz. A nice, hot, intelligent and articulate one.
Japanese is wicked, I'm really enjoying it. Nice to be doing something for the hell of it.
Here endeth the random, pointless update.