Oct 02, 2009 09:46
♠ Going to the greyhound races is so not as much fun as going to the horse races. Much as I think greyhounds are gorgeous. But you know, the races are over so damn quickly you can't really get pumped up about it or anything. I also paid a ridiculous amount of money for a TERRIBLE buffet. Urgh. The people who had dessert were braver by far than I, I was not going anywhere near that trifle. And judging by the looks of horror on the faces of those who did, this was a wise decision. The bogan presence was also phenomenal. I was informed by one of my friends that the greyhound races were a prime husband-spotting destination. ULK. DO NOT WANT.
♠ On the other hand, I learnt more gay slang. Yay.
♠ Bought myself this FANTASTIC book called What Jane Austen Did And Charles Dickens Ate which is essentialy a reference book for all the things in Victorian literature I've ever wondered about. Useful things like how people got their titles, who outranked whom, and how to address a baronet when writing to them. So essentially a lot of things that will help me a lot in the real world. :p
♠ Am yet to watch episode 5 of Glee, because I fail at life and for no apparent reason my laptop screwed up my download. So I have at least another...*checks* 3 hours and 53 minutes to go before I can watch it.
♠ Three more days until the big 18. Until I can place a bet on the greyhounds without being IDd and having to pretend I left my ID in my bag and run back to get it and never return. Until I get actually get in to pubs and clubs. Until I can sign forms for myself rather than having to have my parents do it for me.