Mar 16, 2009 13:29
O my life . . .
My life for the past 3-4 weeks has become a complete blur. Insomnia as well as my schedule has been running me ragged.
Three weeks ago I had a massive amount of midterms. Well, ok they were the same number as other people had but I had one on Monday (Feb. 23) and then 3 on Tuesday (Feb 24). So I was kind of freaking out a little bit. I would have been able to handle it except the whole Adams situation just sent me over the edge. Once we had “miscommunication #2” (Feb 21) (which I’m not sure if I fully explained or not)- I became an emotional wreck and kinda of started freaking out about everything.
I was so grateful when midterms ended but that wasn’t the end of my hectic-ness. I still had University choir rehearsal, Women’s choir rehearsal, MMRP rehearsal, and each night after the previous clubs mentioned I also had A Midsummer Nights Dream rehearsal. Soooooo I had about 6 hours of class each day, followed by about 6 hours of rehearsal each night. I also had to figure out where and when I could do all my homework for my 20 credits worth of work.
Thursday, March 5th. I woke up at 6am because I had work to do and class to go to. Then I had MMRP. My mommy came to the show and we went out to dinner. I got back to O’Hare at 1AM and then started writing my music history paper - a 6 page analysis on one of Haydn’s piano sonatas. After I finished that I went to the U2 concert, then class, and then I did laundry. Following all this, I helped Fox move out of Walsh and into a single in O’Hare. Then I went to my room, showered and picked up Ryan Welsh from Walsh library gate. I would like to mention that I had been up since 6AM Thursday. I had the MMRP show and then was too exhausted to go to the cast party. So Ryan and I ended up watching Clue and falling asleep. I then spent the rest of weekend going between BX and LI.
Also in that weekend there was A Rocky Horror Picture Party, lots of Midsummer rehearsal, and singing at convocation. I essentially ended up living in the black box and sleeping very little. In addition to co-directing Midsummer, Ryan ended up having to play Bottom. So I pretty much directed and played lighting tech. Midsummer went really well on the 10th. We ended up turning people away because we ran out of room in the black box.
Wednesday, March 11 I had lots of class. Then I donated blood tee hee hee Then choir . After dinner , I returned to my room to lie down. My roommate then charges in and laughs at me for lying down. I’m sorry, in comparison with my roommate I might as well not sleep at all and I do infinitely more than she does. I was slightly pissed off because of her comment.
Thursday was Carnegie Hall. It was lots of fun.
Friday- last day of class, packing, Deirdre returning home and SLEEPING! MUAH HA HA! Sleep!!!!
Then Saturday We celebrated Megan DeHey’s Birthday tee hee hee
But I'll post about that later