That was the last song I heard in the car this morning so it's been stuck in my head! It's been such a slooooooooooow day. I hate slow days because they always go by so...well, slowly. And Tina wants me to meet her and some friends for drink in Occoquan to celebrate her birthday tomorrow, but I don't really feel like going. I said I would, but now I don't want to. I want to be antisocial and just watch old episodes of The Simpson’s on DVD and drink some Fruit 2 O. That stuff is the bomb, truly!
Katherine came into Curves last night. She wasn't working, just working out. I was in the back, helping a member stretch and I heard the door ring (we have a little bell on the door so every time the door opens, the bell rings and then an angel gets its wings because you all know that...well, never mind, watch the movie!) and when I popped my head around the corner, there was Katherine. We ran towards each other and hugged like they do in those sappy long distance telephone commercials and the women working out just laughed because they know we're BFFLs, Best Friends Fo' life! I caught her up on the gossip; Nori threatened to quit and has been charging people the wrong amounts! Lori's had to sit down with her several times because she's making mistakes. I guess she's embarrassed that she sucks so much and she was yelling to Sheree that she "doesn't need this job." And then she taped dirty knives to a poncho and wore it Tuesday night. That bitch is cr-a-zy! Katherine said that she think Lori is going to give her the axe because working 5 hours a month is not cutting it. I told her that we were getting new staff shirts and her name wasn't on the list of staff members. Uh oh! I wonder if we make quota this month (which I don't think we will...but I hope we do, I've been using those Target gift cards like crazy!) will Katherine get a Target gift card? That's what we usually get when we make quota. Once we got a gift card to Macaroni Grill. I ended up taking my mom out for Mother's Day and I didn't have to spend a dime. Cheap, ain't I?
There wasn't anything good on tv last night (well, that he would let me watch...I missed another episode of The OC...darn you Joshua!) so my brother put in a cd of comedian Mitch Fatel. Have you ever heard of this guy? He's hilarious! I'm going to stalk him and see if he ever comes to The Improv because I want to see this guy live. I'd tell you what jokes he told, but they wouldn't be nearly as funny. All I can say is the muffin bit is the BEST!
I added some new pictures to my profile on myspace. So check it out! Now I've gone and drank too much water.