Aug 03, 2005 13:59
I am having the worst. Day. Ever! I spent my lunch, crying in my car, eating McDonalds. I'm not going to say how much I ate, just know that I should be having a heart attack at any moment. My bad day started yesterday, actually and just snowballed into the worst day in history. Well, in the history of Jenna Louise, that is.
I went over to my mom's for lunch and Bo called me. I didn't really have anything to talk about so we just kind of listened to each other breathe. Then we said goodbye and hung up. A few minutes later, he called back and asked me what I was doing and I told him that I was looking at a book of rubber stamps that CT had given my mom. There were a lot of wedding themed rubber stamps and we were picking out ones we liked. I hear Hayley laughing hysterically in the background and I'm thinking that our phone conversation is being broadcast to anyone in his house. I asked him if I was on speakerphone, which he says no too, but I can tell he's lying, and Hayley is clearly enjoying this. First of all, I despise speakerphone. I hate my voice on the phone. I sound like a 6 year old who's been drinking way too much orange soda. So, having everyone hear my high-pitched phone voice makes me uber self-conscious. And hearing Hayley laugh makes me wonder, "Is she laughing at my phone voice?" I get quiet and then tell Bo that I don't want to talk to him on speakerphone. Instead of taking me off speakerphone and apologizing for subjecting me to such ridicule, he just says "Fine" and hangs up. I finish my lunch with Mom in peace.
Later, I call Bo and leave a message since he doesn't answer.
A few hours after that, he calls me back and basically tells me that I'm being mean and I've got a huge attitude. I ask him if he called me up at work just to tell me I'm mean and he says no, that he really just called because he saw that I had called him. I begin to have a real conversation with him and he tells me that he has to go eat and hangs up.
I begin to feel like I'm marrying a four year old.
So, fast-forward to last night. I have a plan for the evening. I figure since my mom is leaving tomorrow to go to Tenn, I'll have dinner with my family and then go over to Bo's for some Real World. I also find out at dinner that Bill's getting Greg and Jim to come with to the cabin to make room for Grandma. I'm thinking that maybe I can go with Bo and his family this weekend to Charlotte when they move Hayley back in. Well, I call give him a call after dinner and I get no answer. I wait for a few hours and do a little cleaning up of my room and then around 7:45 pm, I call him again. He's out walking the dog. He calls me back a little after 8 pm and he asks me where I am. Instead of making the smartass comment that I'm dying to make ("Let's see, you called my house phone so I guess that means I'm in...I don't know, MY HOUSE?!) I tell him that I'm leaving now to go to his house. He tells me that it's late and I shouldn't even bother. Remember in Anchorman when Christina Applegate tells Will Ferrell that his hair looks stupid and his eyes catch on fire? Yeah, I image that's how my eyes looked, only because my eyes are five times the size of Will Ferrell’s eyes, mine probably could've set Rome on fire. I hang up and spend the rest of the night watching HBO and wanting to cry.
Before I went to bed, I try calling him and just trying to explain to him that I felt like he'd been blowing me off all day and that I wanted to have dinner at home because my mom was leaving and blah blah blah. But the phone rings and rings. I slam it down and lay in bed, wanting to cry some more.
Work has been rough today. Andra denied an order I placed for mostly chair mats and desk mats. Then she CC'd Kathy on the emails and Kathy's freaking out and telling that even the office supply orders I place have to go through her and Rick and I need to keep a log of office supply orders. The hell? I thought we were trying to make ordering office supplies more efficient? Why not just continue to go through Kay and wait 5 months to get supplies? I didn't know I was suppose to keep a log. I print out all the orders, but I don't have a log. I wonder if those print outs are sufficient? So, I think I'm in trouble and I look incompetent....again!
I give Bo a call before lunch because I'm just having a rough day and I really have no one else to vent to about it, guessed answer.
He does this all the freakin' time. He's pissed at me so how does he deal with it? He leaves his cell phone at home when he goes out. So passive aggressive! He got madder at Jenni than I did when she blew me off this weekend and he's always telling me that I shouldn't let her do that to me, but then he's allowed to do that to me? That's crap! And he got mad that I took forever to call him last night, well, why the hell couldn't he pick up the phone? I am not the only one who knows how to dial! I get enough people at working talking down to me like I'm a moron at work, I don't need it from him. And I get blown off enough by my friends so I don't need it from him too. And all this is in my head and suddenly I'm crying out my order at the McDonald's drive through and then I'm sitting in my car, stuffing hamburgers and crap into my face to try to get myself to stop crying. And just writing about it now makes me want some french fries. And to cry some more.