Ganked from
1. Post a list of 20 fandoms.
2. Have your friends list guess your fave character(s) from each fandom.
3. Post the answers in a later post, complete with pictures and explanations and who got it right, etc etc.
4. Give the winner(s) a prize. Or a cookie.
I'll also screen the comments. If you want to try to guess the OTP or OT3 too, go for it.
01. Angel (TV)
02. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)
03. Supernatural (TV)
04. X-men (Comic)
05. Highlander the Series (TV)
06. Gossip Girl (TV)
07. Gilmore Girls (TV)
08. Harry Potter (Book)
09. Heroes (TV)
10. The OC (TV)
11. Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter (Book)
12. Veronica Mars (TV)
13. Forever Knight (TV)
14. Xena: Warrior Princess (TV)
15. Firefly (TV)
16. Le Femme Nikita (TV)
17. Roswell (TV)
18. Sex and the City (TV)
19. The Black Donnelly's (TV)
20. My Boys (TV)
good luck. :)
ETA: I probably should've been nice and cut off the more far reaching fandoms like the bug, but... *shrugs*
01. Angel (TV)
I feel really inarticulate in trying to explain my love for Wes. I didn't like him when he first came on Angel, but as his character grew and became more complex revealing all these layers to him I just fell in love. He's sweet, funny, smart, dorky and a total fucking badass too.
by ?
This is my ship of doom and angst. They broke my heart because I don't think they ever realized how much they loved each other.
02. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)
Xander Harris I want your babies! Why can't I meet a nice boy like this in RL?
*le sigh* He's the one for her.
03. Supernatural (TV)
*DIES over his hotness* There are deep, character reasons to why I love Dean. However, my crazy hormonal response to JA's hotassness precludes me from explaining them because it's too hard for me to be coherent and look at him. I try to think thoughts, but the only thing I hear is a loud long squee.
misty_writesThis is an odd ship, not in the least because Jessica is dead, but I really can't imagine SamandDean being separated so any girl with one of the boys is someone who will have to be with both of them in one way or the other. I think Jess is a natural fit between the two of them.
04. X-men (Comic)
This is the first character that I ever loved. He's such a harsh bastard, but has a sweetness and vulnerability at his core that makes me love him. :)
Oh those two! I just wish Jean would stop being so afraid of herself, of the edge in her and allow herself to be with Wolverine. I know Scotts safe and that she loves him, but the fire in her is definitely burning for Wolverine.
05. Highlander the Series (TV)
Richie! Let me tell you, when Richie died, the tears were NEVER ENDING. I loved him. He grew up so much on the show and had such a long life ahead of him and it was cut off. *sniff*
Did you know that there's a porn star named Amanda Duncan? LOL. When I went looking for a pic of Amanda/Duncan, I got all these nude pics of this girl. In any case, since I can't find a pic of the two of them, I'll just say my favorite moment with them was when they danced at the edge of the Eiffle Tower. Amanda is Duncan's favorite mistake.
06. Gossip Girl (TV)
CHUCK BASS MFERS!1! W00T! Ed Westwick is the break out actor of the entire show.
winter_babyCan I convey how made of awesome this couple is?
07. Gilmore Girls (TV)
Jess. It's part crush on the misunderstood bad boy, but also an understanding of what a complex, interesting and plain fucked up character he was in such a sugar-y, bubble gum world. I loved his fierceness, his honesty, and his fear. Plus, reading is sexy.
purelyiconicThey're going to end up together. I know that the show is over and everything, but in the alternate universe in which all cancelled shows go on being these two are going end up together because they are so damn right for each other. It was too much, too soon and right person, wrong place for them, but one day it won't be and they'll be together.
08. Harry Potter (Book)
Don't you know that Prof. Snape is better than you?
It could never be any other way. They don't fit quite right apart. They need each other.
09. Heroes (TV)
I miss the emo!bangs. I like Peter because he's so fundamentally decent. It's the same reason that I like Hiro and Claire (but Peter has MV's body so... *ahem*). The first reactions that they have to finding out that they have superpowers is thinking about how to help people. I like that sort of idealism.
by ?
*sigh of frustration* I was really pulling for this ship and I still haven't fully recovered from it being jossed. It's not that incest is such a problem for me in ships *cough*, but there's nothing interesting about them crossing that line because the emotional mindfuck of such a decision isn't there for them. It wouldn't be fucked up in that dirtybadwrong way of over stepping boundaries because they weren't raised as family so codependence isn't a viable option for them. Besides, my vision for the ship was their coming together as independant leaders. I saw them fostering and leaning on each other's strength.
10. The OC (TV
Seth is pure awesome. He single handedly hooked me on The OC. I adore his humor, his heart and his hotness.
lightning_skyThey had me in the dinner scene. They were just too cute and too right for each other.
11. Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter (Book)
I like Jean-Claude for the heart he has underneath his ruthless exterior as much as I like Anita for the ruthless strength she has beneath her doubts about herself. He's a good leader.
He supports her. I like the scene in NiC where Anita goes to bail out Jean-Claude. They just hug and it makes it better for Anita.
12. Veronica Mars (TV)
It's JD's ability to convey Logan's vulnerability under his harsh veneer that had me. He was like a puppy that had been kicked too many times. He just wanted to be loved, but he neither knew how to give love without fucking it up or how to choose a person/situation that wouldn't rip his heart out. He was so fucked up. I loved him.
bea_lostI couldn't bear to watch S3 so I don't know how it ended between them, but there was something so wrong that it was right between these two crazy kids.
13. Forever Knight (TV)
Lacroix. I loved his speeches. He was such a good patriarch.
Nick/Janette. I have a thing for mutually unrequited love. I'm such an angstwhore and I have always been one too!
14. Xena: Warrior Princess (TV)
She fucking kicks ass. Plus, Lucy Lawless is so pretty.
Although I did like Xena/Gabrielle, I always had a soft spot for Ares and Ares' passion for Xena.
15. Firefly (TV)
Jayne and his cunning hate! LOL! I loved the big lug because he was a beter person than he thought himself to be. I saw great potential in him.
daniisupernovaI also saw HUGE potential in this ship. It would've been awesome.
16. Le Femme Nikita (TV)
Seymour Birkoff. He was sweet, smart, and geeky. Again, there were so many tears when he died.
Michael/Nikita. I was canon shipping all the way here. They had some chem-i-stry.
17. Roswell (TV)
I will refrain from defending her (too much). I will just say that I thought she rocked hardcore and got a raw deal from the writers. The end. Also, EdR is the pretty.
helka_granger or
roniabirkI can never decide which ship I ship better. There's deep love for both. The only difference is I got satisfaction with M/M while I will always be left with a bitter feeling towards M/T and what could've been, but was destroyed by shitty writers.
18. Sex and the City (TV)
I am Miranda Hobbs.
*swoons over Steve's adorkableness* Ultimately, it's Miranda/Steve. It was so great to see miranda soften up around the edges and become less afaraid to love with Steve, but I will also give a shout out to Smith/Samantha too. I loved that ship big time too.
19. The Black Donnelly's (TV)
TOMMY DONNELLY WILL FUCK YOUR SHIT UP! Sensitive Artist Type? My ASS! I just love how hard he tries and how hard he fails to save his family. It was so heartbreaking to see him break himself and start to rebuild himself for them. Plus, the fight scene in the Pilot! When he took his shirt off in the second epi! *fans self* SO HOT. There were some times when he was serious competition for Dean. FOR SERIOUS!
I never developed a solid ship for this show.
20. My Boys (TV)
PJ. I like her because she's an odd woman character for television. She's tom boyish and 'one of the guys', but not unfeminine. She doesn't perpetuate that stereotype that tom boys are boys with girl parts nor that they're girls who secretly wish they were more girly. I like her realness.
by ?
PJ/Brendan better end up together.
Also, due to the fact that the bug was the only one brave enough to attempt to guess at my 20 fandoms, she wins (IN LIFE!) and I will be giving her a gift of her choosing: meta, fanfic of a short to moderate length, or picspam on any topic for any fandom that we share with each other.