As I usually do when I'm trying to avoid doing work (this time house work), I've been on LJ reading posts and such including, of course, posts about SPN.
cereta:I also &hearts Ellen. As much as I hope that her story was the straightforward truth, it's always wise to leave ambiguity, which really, they did.
The only thing that I have to say is, fucking shit. It didn't even occur to me to doubt Ellen. I was just all light and happiness that she was safe and I didn't even think about her and the Roadhouse spy from Hunted. You know, it makes a lot of sense too. She has a lot to blame the Winchesters for from her husband's death to her estrangement with her daughter (which I don't think is exactly their fault, but I can see the part they played in exasperating Ellen and Jo's on-going argument). I hope it's not true not only because I like Ellen, but because I'm upset that the major women characters have this knack for being evil (Meg, Ava) and being dead (Mary, Jess, Meg, Ava) and I was sincerely hoping that they were getting better on this front with the reveal that Mary knew the YED.