The Devil makes work for idle something-or-others... or something along those lines.

Jun 14, 2007 15:39

Well, I'm currently bored out of my tiny little mind in college. Once again my client didn't turn up for our prac session and as I have completed all of my theory work I am left with sod all to do. Yawn.

All I need to do now are some assessments and as all of my clients lately have changed their mind on what they want or just simply haven't turned up its looking less and less likely that I'm going to pass this year. Yep, that’s right kiddies... I might fail my 3rd and final year because all the clients I pick are thoughtless imbeciles that have suddenly decided they only want 0.000001 of a millimetre off the bottom of their hair. Well thanks very bloody much.

I'm thinking of asking my tutor if there is any way I can come in on my days off and try to round up my own clients. It's worth a shot. I'm not used to failing at stuff like this :S

So right now I'm in the LRC doing theory work for my friend. She isn't good with computers and I'm quiet good when it comes to design and stuff so I said I'd make her a cool ass front sheet for her project. (Incidentally I had my project back today and it was perfect and doesn't need a thing doing to it... go me and all that crap).

Anyho, I'd better get on with the creative type stuff (technical term if you were wondering) and get back down to the salon... if I'm lucky I might be able to get my hair done or something.

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