Apr 03, 2007 11:29
1. Stay at calvin and switch my major
2. Drop out of school and get a Job
3. leave calvin and go back home to school/ but not live at home
4. Go live in a card borad box
this might be whats gonig through my head right now i should really decide by next week though haha
Oh strange thing first my brother decided that he wants to talk to me again or somthing like that. kinda confused about it he told me he felt bad that i didnt feel like i could call him and talk or even ask him to put me on a train to NYC. i dont think i am quite ready to patch things up with him yet because i dont know what his intentions are. i feel like hes just doing it because my mom wants him to because he definetly didnt realize this by himself which is what i would have liked.
Counseling is going well, i am actually really happy with it rght now i went to a new person this time and i like the person i am with and feel a lot more comfortable with him than the last person i was placed with.
My classes are going well i like most of them because they are really interesting and stuff so this is good.
I need to work on this week convincing my parents that i should go to mexico for 2 weeks after school is out with a friend of mine... It would be just me and my friend kristin which would be super cool,she has a bunch of connections and people that she knows who live there so we would go and stay with them. i am not sure if my parents would go for this though i hope they do.... but if i go that means i need to get a passport now and hope i have it in time.