Another day of nothing. I hung out with my ex last night. In n out burger at midnight is the best. We had a lot of catching up to do. We did. And then some. It was good. (no sex) Hmm. I think today I'll watch fight club.
That's just the thing..I dont usually eat there. So, it's good when I do eat it. I felt like shit afterwards. I ran for an hour on the elyptical. That was followed by 1000 crunches and 500 lunges. Then I did some lateral raises. I hurt a lot today. Better than gaining weight from a midnight snack.
hah...i have had it one time because i am not from california. everyone told me how good it was and when i came out here for a week like 4 months ago i tried it and hated it.
so now i have lived here for 2 weeks and i wont touch it
That's terrible!! Well, it depends on how you look at it really. If you're doing it because you're trying to be healthy, then good job! But if you're doing it just because, and you chose mickey dees or BK over it, then yes. That is bad. REALLY bad.
So, it's good when I do eat it.
I felt like shit afterwards.
I ran for an hour on the elyptical.
That was followed by 1000 crunches and 500 lunges.
Then I did some lateral raises.
I hurt a lot today.
Better than gaining weight from a midnight snack.
so now i have lived here for 2 weeks and i wont touch it
is that bad???
If you're doing it because you're trying to be healthy, then good job!
But if you're doing it just because, and you chose mickey dees or BK over it, then yes. That is bad. REALLY bad.
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