
Apr 13, 2010 21:23

Does anyone ever wonder why I have that mega-creepy eye as my default? It doesn't even have to do with fandom. And it's not like that's me irl. I freaking wish I was that tan. And the tag for it, "The Unknown Factor", makes things worse, imo. I'm nuerotic about things like that, because, in my magical headcanon for real life and Lj, people care about that sort of thing.

In other news, Senior Letters. In which you write a long rambly letter to any and all of your senior friends who are leaving you forever, apparently, and generally make them feel loved. I have yet to write any of mine. Not because I don't have any friends, or anything like that, I just feel super awkward writing them. "HI. THIS IS CHELLE. I LOVE YOU AND STUFF. BYE" I don't think anyone would want that. These are due on friday, and I haven't even made a list of people I want to write to. Go me.

Also, I love Adventure Time. Stop looking at me like that, it's a damn good show.

school, awkwardness, rl

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