Holy Hell, I haven't done this in awhile...

Nov 07, 2009 10:18

Posted, that is. So, to apologize, I'll just write a bit or a whole bunch about a number of subjects you may or may not care about. Like always. Moving right along...

I am in my school's Theatre department. I understand that this does not make me an actress, but that is what I think of myself as, so that's that. I have some talent for the art, I think, but lots and lots of passion for it, so it balances out. This weekend is my show weekend, and I positively love the excitement. Even if I do have a bit part, its still thrilling to me. Ah, the stage. If I could do this for the rest of my life, I would die happy. It feels like I belong there. It's such a rush to be watched, to be up there, center of attention. Its very odd that I feel like this, actually, because I'm horribly shy. You see, I don't have the best social skills. New people scare me. Even on the internet, on places like this. Which is silly, I know, but still. Oh, dear, this went quite a ways away from Silly Theatre Things. So sorry, my dear friends. Rambling is just such fun, and i get carried away. Do forgive me.

Hetalia is still number one in my heart, but I have discovered a new fandom that is so very, very excitng. It's the Good Omens fandom, based on the awesome book by Terry Prachett and Neil Gaiman. New fandoms that I'm very interested in are always exciting to me. I can't wait to write my first GO fanfic! I even have a nifty icon to go along with it. Mmh, I'm all aflutter about this.

Okay, this title isn't all that accurate. there aren't really that many things in my life that are Russian, as much as I want there to be. I really wanted to talk about how much i want there to be Silly Russian Things in my life. I am half-Russian, from my dad's side, and I flaunt that fact as often as I possibly can. But, I don't know any of the culture, none of the language, short of calling everyone "koshka", which means kitten, I think. I feel bad about it. I want to rectify this, and really embrace my Russian side. College will help, I hope, when I get a chance to learn the language, hopefully. And afterwards, when me, my father, and my brother will all go to Russia together, and I finally get to meet that side of my family. But that still seems like an awfully long time away, and I'm not sure what to do in the mean time.

O.o I thought I had more to say..... Oh, well. I promise I'll write more fanfic later, you guys! Thanks for being so patient.
EDIT: Damn it, Lj. Well, the Third little rant is titled "Silly Russian Things"

silly things, good omens, russian, rl, theatre

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