[Fanfic] ...[Well, kind of]

Sep 05, 2009 21:06

Just a short little thing I thought of while vomiting over all of the Twilight Bullshit that's everywhere nowadays. Enjoy, loves.


America was sitting in his house, enjoying a good, strong cup of joe, while simultaneously eating an entire apple pie and watching baseball. A nice, well-round afternoon for him. Suddenly, there was a ear-shattering splintering noise coming from the front door area of his house. The unmistakable sound of an automatic weapon being shot without a care gave away the culprit immediately. Rushing to greet his guest, America wracked his brain, trying fruitlessly to figure out what stupid thing he had done to piss Switzerland off.

“Heeeey, Vash, what can I do ya for?”


The shooting resumed, and as America observed his home being shot to Hell, he noticed something in Switzerland’s non gun toting hand. It was a book, with a black cover, and a picture of an Apple…..

“Well, fuck.”

I am now utterly convinced that Switzerland is the Ultimate Twilight Hater EVER.

fun things, fanfic, axis powers hetalia

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