I'm Spain today, you guys

Aug 07, 2009 11:46

Because I can be. And that doesn't just mean "Oh, I'll insert random spanish in my everyday speech and be extra happy." I do that All the time. I'm the happiest Russia you'll ever see, no joke. But, today, I will eat ony Tomates (tomates ricos. Como me encanta mis tomates. <3) And I will make a point to be more air-headed than usual. (Hahahawhat?) And I will get angry AT THE DROP OF A HAT. Not that this isn't me everyday, but still. If you piss me off today (Or for the next week or so. I like being Spain.) I will curse you out in Spanish. Don't try me. I'll fucking do it. And, to me, this is totally and completely canon. Because I don't think I've ever met a Spanish person who didn't have a firey temper. And, Tortugas~~(I don't have a turtle, but screw it, I'll find a way to love them extra today, anyways) And If I happen upon an Italian man, I will flirt shamelessly, and be nice and smile ank wink and call him Lovinito y todo eso.

So, BWA HA HA ANDELE ANDELE, ARRIBA ARRIBA!!! ^^ Oh, yeah, one more thing. I'm cleaning my room today. Then, I won't be Spain. I turn into Germany when I clean. No lie. Pues, eso es todo. Amor y besos para todo mis amigos! (Spanish people, forgive my butchering of the language. I'm a disgrace, really.)

spain, axis powers hetalia

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