Jul 31, 2009 11:45

Not really. But I am rather smiley today. I'm rather smiley all the time actual, but I have not spammed up my journal with utterly useless rants, so i figured, why not? So, things. Le's see, what shal i talk about...?

Oh! Since my father and my brother up in New Jersey will give me virtually anything for my birthday/christmas (But I'm not spoiled, because i never ask for anything. I don't like to be greedy) I decided to ask for something i really want this year. A Rosetta Stone. If you don't klnow what that is, that's a computer program that teaches you a language via Magic. So, i want one for Russian. Because A) It's RUSSIAN. B) My dad's Russian. I wish to speak to him in his native language. Maybe he'll be proud of me if I do. C) Russian is Sexy, you guys. It is.  D) People will be impressed. They WILL.  Those are my reason. Yes, I know, I'm a shallow person. I never said I wasn't. Don't judge me.

I'm having fun. This is not surprising, since...I'm so childish and easily amused. You know what my friend and I did on the Fourth of July? I mean, other than eat food and be disgustingly patriotic. We played Glow in the Dark Frisbee. By making a frisbee with glowsticks, and wearing them on our wrists, so we could have a rough approximation of where the other was. LET ME TELL YOU. Sooooo fun. I want to play again. We both failed something feirce, but still. Oh, so fun.

I don't want to write anymore. Ciao, my loves!

stuff, rant

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