It's 2 A.M. And I'm Not Asleep

Dec 08, 2010 02:19

The substance of this post can be explained by the title. I get weird when I get tired. I promise I won't make gratuitous Lj cuts. Moving on.

Boys: No update on this front.I may or may not have a crush on that one kid who I talked about last post, who is having a rough time getting over his ex. This makes me a terrible person. A stupid, ridiculous, terrible person.

School: I fixed my schedule for next semester, finally. It doesn't suck as bad now. I think I'll be dreadfully bored, though. 1/2 papers finished, that are due tomorrow. Still no studying done.

Other: I'm sick as hell. Have been for quite a bit. Nothing life threatening, but I really want to be able to talk normally again. I haven't left my dorm in two days.


chelle's an idiot, updates, real life

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