If Your Eyes Don't Have Pupils, Then You're A Demon.

Nov 21, 2010 00:48

I'm bored, so I'm going to talk about a myriad of things. That's a gross overestimation, but hey, that's just the sort of gal I am.

Let me tell you guys how much I love Goodbye Chains right quick. I love it a whole lot. I can't exactly remember when I first started, but since then, it's been a happy little constant of emotional drama and sexy men. I have cried over it before, as any loyal fan has, when Banquo died. Probably more times, but this is not a post about how much of a cry-baby I am. That's for later, if I ever want to feel down on myself. So, GC. It's the only web comic I ever follow. It has all the things I want in a web comic, and best believe I will bawl like a little girl when it's over. I can't choose between Colin and Banquo as who my favorite character is. I definitely want to bone Banquo more, but that's a moot point. I love Colin. Like, honest to God, I love him to absolute death. If I knew him in real life, I'd give him lots of hugs and listen to his Communist rhetoric. But Banquo has my fangirlish heart fully swayed. Decisions are hard. I do like the direction Chick Who Draws It is going in. I like ghost!Banqou. But I think it's supposed to be ridiculous, so that's that.

How freaking much my family means to me? It is an astronomical amount. I think it is the most important thing to me. And I'm not overestimating that. When I say "family", I, myself, personally am talking about my older brother and cousins, mostly. They are who I have the best memories with, so They are who I think of first when I hear "family". Don't get me wrong, I love all of my family, but those guys are special. They don't make me cry like my dad, and they don't make me feel guilty like my mom. They don't yell at me like my grandparents, and they don't expect the impossible like my aunts and uncles. I can't disappoint them, and that is a magical thing that I am grateful for every second of my life.

I, um. I cry. A lot. It doesn't matter if I'm in public or not, if something hits me just right, I will cry. I can't help it, because if I could, I would never shed another tear as long as I lived. I hate it. I hate not having any sort of control over something that is supposed to be personal. I hate not being able to go through the day without tearing up, at least once. It's like having a giant sign hanging around your neck saying "Look. This girl is over dramatic and wants your attention. Mock her!!" That's not why I cry a lot, I swear. I may be an attention grubbing whore in every other aspect of my life, but this....I cannot help. I couldn't help it on Thursday night, when I was sitting in the theater, outright sobbing because a cgi elf just died on screen. I can't help it every night, when nothing but terrible thoughts keep me wide awake. I want to world to realize that, no, it's not my fault. I don't want this.

All the things I want are either material and grossly unattainable, or things that aren't tangible. O just horribly vague. I say things to myself like "You have to get better.", without specifying how I'd go about doing that, or get better at what? Or why I'm not good enough as I am. I set up impossible goals for myself that never get done. It's a wonder I'm doing as well as I am. I have little to no motivation to do anything at all. It worries me, from time to time, but then I catch myself up in the moment again, and it stops being a problem. But I do realize that yes, I'm going to have to stop this foolishness of mine at one point. My plans for the future can't just be "Hope To Die Young."

That's all. Bye Bye! I'll have a very nice meme for you all next time! =D

thank you to everything, emotional!chelle, rant, why is there no "existentialist" emotion, love, memories, complaining

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