
Jul 17, 2009 15:36

Let's talk a little, eh? This is a livejournal after all, yes? I should use it as a journal. An internet journal. That everyone can read, but probably no one will. Oy. Screw it, let me just tell you what's on my mind.

This is summertime for me. And summer's on it's last legs, really. I start school August 10th, so yeah, i have less than a month of free fun happy summer time. And, generally, I'm okay with that. While i love lazing about and wearing non-stop pajamas, i sorely miss my routine for school. I live every day in a pattern, and all that fun stuff. So school is kind of okay for me. It gives me the perfect blend of uniform and non-uniform i need. Not to mention the people.

Oh, how i love people. Not just my friends, either, people. Beng in a crowded high school is inherintely fun for me (so long as i'm not getting jostled by idiots), and i like the atmosphere. And, my friends. Oh, i love my friends. I am an up-coming Senior (Class of '10! Woo hoo!) and most are my friends are a year under me. This is not my fault. I went to a different high school my freshman year, and my schedule got jacked up when i changed school. Blah. I don't care. They are all wonderful peoples, and that's what matters.

Anyways, what i really wanted to talk about: Summer Reading. Holy God. Four books. Four! FOUR BOOKS IN LESS THEN A MONTH. FCXDTRHVGFBNREVYBN Okay, this is mostly my fault. But still! Four! And i need to write assignments, lengthy ones, for two of them.  Damn it all. This is what i get for signing up for AP english classes. Sure, i get college credits, and i read lots of Awesome amazing books, and i get to have intelligent conversations aboput hat i read, but... I'm lazy! So very lazy! Uggh.

Well, I'm off to read....Like i should have been doing. Instead of wasting time on the internet... muu....

chelle's an idiot, summer reading rant, four books!

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