Good Things and Bad Things

Aug 23, 2010 11:29

College. Um, can you say the most fantastic, amazing experience I've had in my short time on this Earth? I love it already, and I haven't even had my first class yet. My roommates are fantastic. Katty-kins, who I knew I would get along with because we like all the same things, and is just an all around really cool person. I love her, and her room is so freaking cool, and she's really nice. D'metria, who may just be the sweetest little girl I have ever seen. It feels like I've known her for a long time, and we bonded over being mooches, and being smart with no common sense. She lets me borrow stuff like it ain't no thang, and I'm reallyu excited to have such a sweetie living with me. Anna, although not around very often, seems like a nice enough girl. she doesn't seem to mind my and Katherine's very obnoxious geekiness. I look forward to talking to her more often. =D And, apart from my roommates, my very good friend Ben is not very far away at ALL, and his roommates seem very nice. I hope they like me, because I plan to be spending an awful lot of time over there, or with him in general. My other good friend, Gilly Bear, lives close, so I should be seeing her all the time. I really am loving this. And and and my schedule is kind of flipping amazing. I have a course all about Theatre of the Oppressed. Which means I get to read plays about FEMINISM and GAY PEOPLE! This is just too fantastic. Absolutely perfect for me. Overall, I'm really happy about my experience here so far. Let's hope it stays that way, eh?

There's only two bad things I want to talk about. The first is about my mother, and the second is about Hetalia sunshine. Okay, my mother is justifiabley mad at me right now. The story is that she was going to drive up on Saturday to drop off the rest of my stuff. But, on that very same Saturday, some friends came over, and we went out for some amazing Korean ice cream. We went, and I THOUGHT that we were going right back, but we ended up driving around for an hour and going to see a movie. We were just sitting down when my mother informed me that she had arrived. I told her what was up, and she flipped out. Called me immature and irresponsible, which I totally AM, but I'm working on it. She also said to not call her again asking for my stuff. It's okay, I don't care about my stuff, but I really hate having her mad at me. I'm calling her tomorrow to apologize, and say how my classes are going. Hopefully, it'll work out.

The second bad thing, HetaSun, is ENTIRELY my fault. I have not yet finished my fic, and although the move in was crazy hectic, I should have made time. I'm feeling really guilty for this. It's actually a relief that my fill isn't ready yet, because I would have not been able to enjoy my Sunshine while holding back someone else's. I'm working on it tomight, and I'm going to finish it.  

catholic guilt, college stuff, rl, happyhappyhappy

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