Feb 13, 2012 11:51
This weekend one of the painters in my studio building died.
She was just passed 70 years oldcoincidentally nearly exactly the same age my mother was back when she died, although in much better health and mobility. My artist colleague died suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack while vacationing in Vieques with a friend. As sad as this is, I do find myself thinking that dying while vacationing on the beach is not a bad way to go (except in how, for as awesome as it is to go that way, it sucks that much to be the friend left behind that way.) Just this past Christmas another painter from my building died, also suddenly and unexpectedly, having only recently moved to a new and larger space in the building.
I find myself returning to thinking on a meta-level about my work, what I'm doing and what I'm slacking on and not getting done. The year after my mother died was one of my most active and productive in realms that I care about, as I realized on a visceral level: I don't have forever.
What matters? Am I doing it Right Now?