I did a small thing that I'm proud of myself for doing, and I wanted to share. It won't make all the difference in the world, but it will help a few people, maybe even a lot.
I played "yenta" between a Haitian Women's Sewing Cooperative, and Somerville Open Studios-I got the cooperative to commit to exhibiting in my studio building (they're already friends with the owners and might have done so anyway, but might not have) and got the SOS board to give them a comp membership (which required no convincing as I'm sure you can imagine).
Then I edited the text from the Haiti Project's website to fit SOS's constraints, collected some photos from them, alerted SOS's webmaster to a server problem, and finally set up
The Haitian Projects Sewing Cooperative's Somerville Open Studios artist page.
I haven't been terribly productive this week-it's been kind of a wacky few days-but I always find that if I'm having a choppy time of it, doing something nice for someone else helps set me right again.
Now to go set up *my own* SOS page, do some self-publicity, finish my homework for next week, etc.
I just wanted to share that. Plus to let you know that you can buy really nice hand-sewn linens from these women, either on-line or during Somerville Open Studios!