Watch Out, Theives about!

Nov 01, 2007 22:10

I’m sitting writing this in my bed- gotta love a laptop!

I’m shatterfied after working yesterday until 7.30pm, heading home and then heading out to see the Sawhuinn (Hallowe’en) pagan procession down the Royal Mile put on by the Beltane Fire Society. I took part in it years ago, I was a torch bearer in 1997 and a stiltwalker in 1998, and my how it’s come on! The production values have really soared and it works a lot more effectively in tandem with its larger Festival, on Beltane, in the Spring/Summer.

Sawhuinn is all abou t the Summer and Winter Courts, where the Summer court is now fat and pregnant after their debauched reign over the previous months and must now abstain as Winter Arrives and the May Queen, now tattered and weary must hand over her Reign to the Cailleach, the Winter Hag, harbinger of death (but also re-birth). It was really cool, and I dressed up as a Zombie- I didn’t really have time to do much or organise a really amazing costume, as I’ve been stupidly busy working in Cafe Nero (kiiiiiiiill me) amongst other things.

I looked pretty good though, and Felicity and I ended up in The Black Rose Tavern on Rose Street, which is a heavy metal and Goth Rock pub, newly replacing something else. And Wednesday night is apparently ... ROCK KARAOKE NIGHT!!

Fucking yes by the way!

Nothing quite like 4 guys dressed as Kiss in the inevitable tin foil and cardboard singing “God Gave Rock and Rock to You” at the top of their lungs, and the rest of pub is joining in! I had a brilliant night and got home around 2 in the am.

I had work this morning at 7.30 in the morning, so my joy was not great. I wasn’t too badly hungover considering, but it’s difficult to concentrate when you’re tired and people are requesting finicky drinks in a row and your manager is shouting at you to take more than one persons order at once! (Let them go elsewhere- let them buy a fucking coffee machine if their caffeine addiction is that bad.)

God I hate corporate coffee shots with their skinny wet 3 and ½ shot decaf grande lattes. Regular Joe man! Regular cuppa Joe! *Sigh*.

IneedtopayrentIneedto payrentIneedtopayrentIneedtopayrent.

It’s all I can think and all that is keeping me going until I have 3 pay slips (6 weeks, so only 4 more weeks) and can go to the bank and get a loan and dump this and make stuff and paint and hopefull sell stuff again!

Fishwives hands, greasy hair and lousy complexion I do NOT need thank you.

Yesterday some guys just walked straight into the coffee shop, swiped our tips saucer and walked out whilst I was in the back half of the room clearing tables and the manager was restock in the fridge (and therefore  we both had our backs to the counter). At first we thought it was the school kids that were in, but checking the CCTV footage, it in fact was some well dressed opportunist. I Got in a rage as the manager was refusing to report it to the police. He was like “it was only a few quid, it got emptied this morning, and the police will spend ages taking a statement and nothing will happy they’ve got better things to do.” I was like- “ I don’t care- that was OUR £3, they’re probably going up and down the whole street, and will probably hit elsewhere as everyones’ saying the same thing, and someone has to fight the good fight! It’s harder, but that’s how shits like that get away with it- laziness and indifference from people who believe in good.”

So I called the police when I got home and they came in today to check the cameras. I got a call about an hour ago from a different police station- apparently they have 2 people in custody and wanted to check their descriptions. Weird.

Other than that I’ve slept today, laughed at Christines’ pants that I moved from in fron t of the toilet in the bathroom to in front of her bedroom door and then noticing that the Land Lady has been round to inspect the bathroom again and left a note saying she’ll buy us a new ironing board as the other one looks really shabby and it sits right next to Christines door in the hall, so she must’ve seen them. Poor girl! I’ve since thrown them into her room. Fought countless people as vampires, werewolves et al on facebook and some other stuff.

Apparently they need to do some pick up shots for the short film I worked on, of the rings and the note. Problem is that I don’t know where the rings are (coulda sworn they were in a bag with all the rest of the stuff, and I lost the note on set, so I’ll have to make it again.) I’m not happy and basically wrote to them and said, all due respect, but I have a showreel to film and edit this weekend for the Shortcuts deadline (on Weds) I have Friday afternoon til Monday to do it and  I also have an audition/interview for a Science Generation  thing to perform at so’s I can go round schools  teaching science to kids. More importantly it gets me a paid actor credit which means I can then speak to an agent about getting on their books as an actor.

rock karaoke, good fight, sawhuinn

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