May 20, 2009 14:03
The last week of 19th Century Literature...
A little sad to say goodbye, i loved our studies on Tolstoy and the other Victorian writers...The Romantics, was fun while it lasted, but i'm looking to bigger and brighter things...
20th Century Literature!
Right now i am sitting in the Christian Brothers HighSchool, Lewisham staffroom...i just had an amazing English class that really concreted in my mind that this is the profession for me, and i am ABSOLUTELY buzzing.
I'm trying to think of what i want to write for this last entry...and i'm i do summary of what were (for me) the highlights of the topic? Do i do a report on the final weeks of Wilde?
A creative topic?
Or do i go somewhat off usual...and talk about something related to our studies...but not entirely what we looked at...
Yeh, i go the last one.
I go through phases of being completely obsessed and absorbed in an author or a book, and i will not read anything else for months, even if that means re-reading the same book over and over and over.
It used to be 'The Crucible' series by Sara Douglas, then it was anything by George R.R Martin (oh no, i have exposed myself as a closet fantasy geek!)...My copy of 'Wuthering Heights' has become a mess of dog eared pages and coffee stains...
Then there was 'The Cloudsketcher' by Richard Rayner, and many before and in between...
I will re-read these books over and over without getting bored or without tiring of them, always finding something new in them!
And now, now i have a new author to be completely and utterly obsessed with.
I love his vivid and seemingly 'excessive' uses of descriptions
I love the detail and love he puts into each and every character
I love the way he can tell many stories, within one storyline...
I love the way he looks at society
I just adore everything he writes.
I have started reading 'War and Peace'.
And it is epic,
i am only 148 pages in...
some 1200 more to go...
It can be a little heavy, and sometimes i need to put it down for a minute and let what i have read settle, but i am really enjoying it so far.
And that is what i want to say on this semester, this is my final comment;
I love how this subject opens me up to new experiences, new works. It broadens my mind, my thoughts, my values.
It's amazing how much difference a book can make on ones life.