Feb 14, 2005 13:29
yeah its valentines day and i love it...lol because of a certain someone!
i got the first session of Charmed on DVD from mommy...chocolate from jewls...a BIG bear from my baby cousin Jackson...and the cuttest rabbit holding a Hershey's Kiss, i love it ♥♥
so lets talk this weekend...here are the +/-
- had to go to work on friday
- did nothing friday night except play alot of DDR w/ lenny
+/- saturday morning went shopping with mommy
- suppost to go to the movies but nope that didn't happen
+ went to lucies where i had the time of my life that night!
+ played a shit load of beer pong
+/- lost every time i played but got drunk anyways so its okay ;)
+ got leveled by lucie as she was opening the door, HYSTERICAL!
+ spending time with ppl i love ♥♥
- kristen throwing up for a few hours
+ (this is a plus for other ppl not me...) a shit load of hooking up went on that saturday night...its undescribable!
- sunday had a hangover : /
+ went to jon's hockey game and chilled with derek!
- derk and i couldn't feel our asses by the end of the game
- burnt my toung on hot chocolate, so did derel...LoL
yeah i think thats it...!
love some of you ♥
annoyed at others