The owner of
Liberty Garden has done a wonderful job of it on his own land. There are some truly beautiful pictures on the site.
I can't believe the government wants to punish him for what he has done - Ah, the beauty of one size fits all environmentalism.
Admittedly, I wish I could have my own piece of wildland to protect too, if only so I can fantasize myself as an imposing nature god who attacks despoilers and chases trampers and hunters out of my forest. Darn, watching Princess Mononoke didn't have so many good effects on me.
(I wouldn't actually do it, of course.)
And I'm no god - Not even in the blogosphere and fandomsphere. Some of my blogging friends are, but I'm not.
Kinda related: Penn and Teller
collect petition signatures to ban a truly odious chemical which causes millions of deaths per year, burns you with its steam, and is found in all cancer cells. What is this dreadful substance...? You may be shocked. :)
Also very slightly related: PJ O'Rourke's
advice to graduates. And very, very provocative and unconventional advice it is.
Also, I think I better officially eat my words about not discussing politics any more. Although I'll still try and keep it down.
UPDATE #1: Forget what I said earlier. I am a god. :D
UPDATE #2: Today I saw two Labour party signs that have been vandalized. So, forget what I said earlier about vandals seeming to target conservative/libertarian signs - although I still think it's true near universities with several radical activist groups.