new article at Reason.com proposes that the mainstream media are authoritarians, citing how newspapers have been reluctant to take a stand against policies such as the War on Drugs and eminent domain, policies which liberals and progressives often oppose.
This argument holds some water, especially given the editorial from the Washington Times, linked to in the article, which doesn't like the idea of legalizing marijuana because - seriously - it might weaken the Federal government's power to protect cave dwelling insects.
Which makes me wonder about their priorities.
Come to think of it, the very fact that some people think that the Federal government - as opposed to private initiatives, or local government, is necessary to protect rare species of insect that only live in very localized habitats, says something about their political beliefs.
In slightly related news, Maggie's Farm lists
every state agency in California. We have one of similar length in New Zealand. Although we have the excuse of being a whole country.