I've mentioned once or twice how scared I was of flying. If you've ever had the same problem, Captain Stacey L. Chance has made a website that will
calm your fears.
Reading this has indeed calmed me a lot, if, admittedly, not completely. I've also gained a new appreciation for aviation in general - After reading in detail about it seems amazing how we (and I only say "we" when I mean myself as well) take things like the incredible technology and training involved in the supply of the goods and services we use every day for granted, and sometimes seem to only be able to notice the bad, or when things go wrong.
The good captain has written a section on the statistical safety of flying as compared to driving, and, for goodness' sake, living in a house, and mentioned how the media tends to harp on plane accidents precisely because they are so darned rare. (Note, for instance, how little attention car crashes get?)
On the negative side, this website hasn't made me less afraid to drive.