Title: Moments (11-20)
Rating: K+
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ian / Wanda
Genre: Romance / General
Warnings: Spoiler alert throughout the series
Story type: drabbles/one-shots
Author's Notes: These are drabbles that I wrote a while back and I decided to post them here. They can be a slice-of-life type, but also contain a few reflective scenes here and there. Also, some of these are ideas for fics that I never really got to write completely, so they ended up being drabbles instead. I hope you all enjoy!
Synopsis: A series of drabbles featuring our favorite adorable couple! Enjoy the different adventures these two live while in multiple settings filled with sweet feelings! Contains spoilers.
It was the moment of truth. Either she lived or she didn't. She recalled that the beginning would feel like the end. Could that be true?
She thought she was Petals Open to the Moon, or Pet for short, and began to feel confused as she noticed she didn't recognize any of the people that were in the room. Her eyes swayed from side to side and she began to put together the clues she was given.
Jeb, Jamie, Doc, Kyle, Sunny, Jared, even Melanie was there. But as she noticed that he was missing, she was suspicious. But he was there, ink, snow, and sapphire. Just as she remembered him with his kindness and grace. Then she remembered that that would be why she would live.
Since the moment he allowed her into his life, she has been nothing but that. He felt the need to keep a close eye on her and help her with her chores and protect her from the others.
He allowed a few slip-ups like her kissing Jared (twice), her going on an undercover raid (with Jared), and letting her sleep in Jamie's (and Jared's) room. But he would not allow something so unbearable as what she had planned for now.
What would it take for her to understand that he loved her? With all his heart? With all his soul? He could keep his mouth shut, he would even try to tolerate seeing her in Jared's arms, but he would not, could not, and should not allow for her to leave him. She would not end her life for someone else's even if it was justifiable.
That was preposterous, stupid, and insane. It would be like ending his life as well. If she died, so would he. And the universe would not function properly without its Wanderer, the soul, and her partner, human Ian.
You wrap your arms around her, comforting her, but also grieving for her loss, your loss. She shakes lightly-the pain is just beginning-and her tears start to penetrate your shirt, but that doesn't matter. Nothing really matters at the moment. It's just her, you, and the horrible truth that struck you both.
You glance down at her, her tiny face hidden by your chest, and notice she has one arm wrapped tightly around you and her other hand on her stomach. It's not fair, it can't be true. It's just too cruel to believe. She had gone through nine months with a swollen stomach, but it all went wrong. You begin to remember what Doc said a few minutes ago, that it was too late, that he could not be saved.
Your grip squeezes her and you shake with her. The life you two created could never see the light of day or the darkness of the caves. He could never be allowed to open his eyes and see the world you have brought him into. He could never be permitted to live, to be loved, to know his parents.
Her muffled sobs echo through the shady halls as you two collapse to the floor, still crying, still mourning for the child that could never be with you. You hug her closer to your body and she places her head in the crook of your neck, her uncontrollable trembling increasing. You stare into her silver rimmed eyes-now scarlet rimmed from the outside-but you can barely keep focus; your tears get in the way. You feel like you failed her, like if it was your responsibility to keep that boy alive in her womb.
"I'm-sor-ry-Wan-da." You sob in her hair.
"Don't-be-Ian. You-shou-ldn't-be. I'm-the-one-that mes-sed-up." She blubbers in your ear.
You place one hand on her chin so she could look at you. "You-did-not-mess-up." You keep weeping.
She cries harder and shakes violently, trying to accept what you said, but rejecting the idea all the same.
"Yes-I-did." She whimpers.
"Shhh-don't-say-that." You try to comfort her, but to no avail.
"May-be-it-wasn't-mea-nt-to-be." She whimpers.
"There's-always-a-reason-for-this." You sniffle. "You-ll-see-that-something-better-will-come-out-of-this." You console her.
She doesn't want to believe anything right now, so she shakes her head, looks into your tearful eyes, and touches her abdomen once again.
You embrace her, bringing her impossibly close, still shaking, still weeping, still heartbroken by the brutal news of child loss.
While we raided in Southern Texas, we would always pass by shops and convenient stores. I was told-orders strictly spelled out by Jared-that I was only supposed to get the necessities, what ever we needed. But I would always manage to bring everyone something to their liking.
I remembered that Jared had given up favouritism towards any sweets or sour candy, so I would get him with just about anything that I bought him. To Melanie, I would bring her a Milky Way chocolate; my memories of my previous life in her body were now coherent enough for me to know she liked caramel. And what would I bring to my honey Ian? I began to think of what he liked. I remembered it had something to do with chocolate, but also mint and it was cold. Ice cream? Pistachio flavoured, chocolate mint, duh!
When I handed them what I had brought, they all thanked me, but Jared and Mel gave lustful smirks and dug into their snacks. Ian hugged me as always, but I saw that grateful smile on his beautiful face.
"Thank you Wanda, you remembered."
That was adorable, watching him eat his ice cream, like a child. I had that smile once, when he brought me Cheetos. Now I was somehow returning the favour by bringing him an even greater delicacy. Seeing that cute grin creep on his face was so satisfying, like eating Cheetos, like eating chocolate mint ice cream.
We were frozen where we stood. Ian's widened eyes signaled me that I wasn't the only one that was scared. His grip tightened on me, hugging me to his body closely. I looked around tensely, waiting for someone to attack us, for someone to come and destroy the caves. We didn't make a sound. Ian just tried to glue me to his form. All of a sudden, we heard footsteps; they sounded loud and ruthless. They sounded like they were headed to out direction, so Ian stepped in front of me so I would b protected by his massive body.
I wanted to yell, to scream to those people to leaves us in peace, but if I did that, they would discover us and our attempt at hiding would lose its purpose. We didn't want that. The steps came closer and then, they began to fade away. We didn't dare move though. The inhabitants of the caves weren't used to me yet, and Ian was doing all he could so I wouldn't get killed around here.
We let a few more moments pass and then, we relaxed.
"Even if Jared promised not to hurt you, Kyle and the others didn't." he pointed out. "But I won't let them get to you."
"You don't have to do that, Ian." I said.
"Yes, I do, and don't try to convice me otherwise."
It would be hard to do that, but as I was about to argue, the footsteps came back and we moved to another location quietly. He really wasn't going to leave me.
I had to really be careful now. I was under attack, but no one here would dare defend me. Because they were afraid of him. They didn't want to get hurt for me. And they were all women and children. What damage could they possibly do to such a man with great mass? He was probably bigger than Kyle, than Kyle! The biggest man known to the caves!
Burns was trying to knock me down, but I wouldn't let myself get hit. Ian, Melanie, Jared, and Kyle had taught me how to throw a few good punches even if I was tiny now.
I was trained so I had to put those skills to use, even if it was against my kind. He almost got me by the leg, but I slipped from his fingers like butter. But a few seconds later, he got me and he was so merciless that I began to doubt he was a soul at all.
He had a knife when I had nothing. The blade sliced through the surface of my left forearm and I felt the hot liquid escape my limb. I screamed in pain as I felt the sting of the cut, but I yelled in rage to admit that I had been defeated.
However, I heard a gunshot and the knife was no longer in my skin. I saw Burns collapse and noticed blood oozed out of his left thigh.
"Wanda!" I heard him yell in relief, but also agony and fury. Strong arms wrapped around my body carefully, but I hissed in pain when I felt the cut's sting again. Ian wasn't touching my arm; his well-built arms were touching my back. Burns had cut me there earlier.
It hurt so much, but I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to show that I was weak.
"What the hell are you doing?" Ian yelled at Burns. "Why would you attack her?"
"Because I can." Burns answered.
"But she wasn't doing anything to you!" Ian growled.
"Of course she was."
"What did she do that was so justifiable for you to wound her?" Ian demanded.
"She's a traitor, don't you see? She turned her back on the soul society, her kind, her species." Burns explained.
"I thought you phrased it as 'gone native'? And you're a traitor, too. You also turned your back on them."
"I did no such thing."
"Then why are you here?"
"I'm a Seeker. Everything you have done I have been a witness to. I have the authority to turn you and her in."
"Okay, double traitor, I get that. You want to rid the world of humans. I would actually understand if you attacked one of us that you consider human. But you decided to attack her in particular?"
"She's a human now. So your expectations were correct."
"But you are such a coward! You attacked her when she was alone, when she didn't have anyone protecting her, when I wasn't around." Ian was boiling.
"What better way to strike, wouldn't you agree?"
"You're that much of a coward to attack her? You know I would have killed you if I had had any idea you of all people would attack her. She trusted you. I trusted you because you made us believe you weren't like the rest of them."
"She put up quite a fight, though. You trained her? I expected you would respect the intolerance of violence in our world." Burns was almost smug.
"Violence like this?" I felt Ian raise my arm lightly to prove his point.
"Like I said, I'm a Seeker. We only use violence when humans resist."
"But she was trying to free herself from you. You call that resistance?"
"Yes I do."
"Would you have put up such a fight against me?" Ian growled again. He was really angry, almost scary now.
"I would have made it harsher for you. Of course, I would have killed you." Burns threatened.
Ian's audible growl frightened me. I could see his eyes fuming, blue flames.
"I'd say that's about enough you two." Jeb interrupted. "Brandt, Aaron, Kyle, Jared, take him away. Lock him up or something. We don't want for him to attack anyone anymore." Jeb directed his attention to me.
"How badly are you hurt, honey?" he asked.
"Not that much." I answered.
"You are such a bad liar, Wanda." Ian accused. He didn't want for me to lie at a time like this considering how mad he was.
"I'll take you to the clinic." he said. One arm supported my wounded back while the other went under my knees.
"Ow." I said through clenched teeth. Burns had cut me there, too.
"I don't even want to imagine what he would have done to you if I wouldn't have come sooner." He sounded so pained.
"Don't think about it, honey." I tried to soothe.
His arm went under my calves so he wouldn't touch my wounds and exited the kitchen, the place where I almost died.
"I'm never leaving you alone again, okay?" He said.
"But he won't hurt me anymore, Ian." I said.
"It doesn't matter. As long as there are people that want to hurt you, I have to be with you. They have to get thought me."
I could never doubt this caring man's devotion towards me. He would risk his life for me and even go against a Seeker just to keep me alive; even kill if I get hurt.
It's hard to have to stand watching Doc cut into the girl's neck with his scalpel. You fear for her, worried that maybe this won't work.
She can have a new body, but will she wake up? You hand him the cryotank when the crimson liquid begins to flow out of the base of her head and your eyes widen.
It's not the sight of blood that scares you; she's losing too much of that red substance. You don't want that. More blood comes out as she gets inserted. The innocent girl lying unconscious in the cot all of a sudden is your life's meaning. Wanda's in there. That's her blood running down her neck. You jump instantly and get the materials to close the wound from Doc. You'd rather do it yourself. Because every drop that gets lost cannot be brought back to her body; something you regret, but had to be done to save her.
It rained hard that last day of the rainy season. Some of the rooms were a little flooded and their inhabitants would have to get rid of the excessive water somehow. I was peeking through one of the cracks of our ceiling and observed for a moment that no drops fell through it. I had remembered that when the rain came to its end, it would be like this. I just wanted to see if I was correct, so I ran out of the room and headed to one of the exits.
But as I arrivd to the main plaza, I saw Ian run toward me.
"Honey, I have to show you something." he said.
"But the rain Ian..." I didn't want to finish. I'm sure what he had to show me was better.
"It stopped, I know. That's what I want for you to see." He was excited.
We ran to where I was headed and stepped out carefully. Nobody paid us any mind or noticed that we went out. Once my eyes focused on the outside world, Ian didn't need to point out what he wanted to show me. My vision met the beautiful colors that extended over the horizon. I didn't really know what it was, but through Pet's memories, I recognized it.
"Ian, it's so pretty!" I exclaimed.
"I was out here and saw it. I just had to show you." he explained.
"I have never seen one."
"Ever?" he asked hugging me.
"Only through Pet's and Melanie's memories. It's so amazing."
"Reminds me of you." he said.
"Thanks Ian and thank you for showing it to me."
"I haven't seen one in years, but I'm glad I saw it with you."
"I'm happy I saw my first rainbow with you, too." I said as I turned to kiss him.
It was a rocky relationship for them when it started. It wasn't stable; she felt like the enemy, and he would glare at her just because she was a soul. Then, guilt trips began for him and he started to sympathize for the alien. Within that time, he kept telling himself to help her. But he got jealous when Jarred stepped in. She tried to not lose herself to her emotions, but it bothered Melanie and her when she finally gave in. It would rain down on them with those mocking gray clouds, the ones that sent them into a deep gloom. But he found a way to go around that. His touch was different to her and she was oblivious to what he did. His kiss helped her think, it helped her mind consider and notice him, and it helped clear the clouded skies that covered their minds.
We all ran desperately with Wanda on the stretcher. She breathed and heaved and sweat began to run down her fac. She was trying to hold the pain in, not wanting to worry us, like always. But it must've been inevitable to scream in her state.
Going into child labor was no joke and Wanda was being too resistant.
"Ian…" she called as she searced for my hand. I slipped it in her miniature palm and she began to let it all out. She couldn't stand it anymore. I lost the feeling of my hand and our ears were filled with uncontrollable shrieks of agony. The hallways were never ending as Jared, Melanie, and Jamie yelled their complaints to the nurses beside us that we never got to a room.
Their whining stopped when we took a detour and the doctors ordered them to stay outside in the waiting area. I was the only one to go in with her. The preparations didn't take long, at least, and the doctor told Wanda to push.
"Ian." She growled trying unsuccessfully to muffle a cry. "I can't."
"Yes, you can, Wanda. You're strong, baby. You can do it. I'm here, I'll do whatever you want." I said trying to aid her in any way possible.
Grape-sized tears ran down her flushed face. "Give me…your other hand." She ordered.
With every push she gave, her grip tightened and her yells grew louder.
"Be strong," I would murmur in her ear, "Be strong."
She began to calm down; the baby had finally exited her body. We both sighed in relief as we heard our child cry and I kissed both her beautiful hands.
"You see? You can do it." I whispered to her.
"Yeah, thanks to you." She kissed my forehead before the nurses moved her to another room to await the arrival of our new born son.