It's Monday, it's 3:20pm, and I've done all my homework for the day. You know what that means? YES, that's right children; I'm BORED! No, I lie...I'm not bored, I have some serious fic writing to do today and I'm nowhere near finishing O.O
Better crack out the Mountain Dew and vodka...actually, I am going to try that later. Good shiz ^^
In further news... )
THAT is a Simon Pegg gif!! <3 <3
*hugs* for most of the things in the first meme.
I counter your first Matt gif with this
And a question. Hmm. What is your favorite flavor of toothpaste?
Too much love for this show.
*hugs* back for being a doll. It's okay, I just moan about it on here so it must get quite annoying to see over and over again.
Oh... my favourite flavour is an American one that I found: Colgate Lemon or something like that.
For you: What book have you read, that actually disliked to the point of wanting to burn it?
Nah, it's not annoying. I'm just sorry it's rough. :(
Poor Dommeh! (That one, though? Probably my favorite of Matt, aside from the "boats" giggle.)
That sounds interesting. Hmm.
Answer: For ME to have the desire to burn a book is bad because I believe in protecting them at all costs, even if they're crap. You do not touch Stacie's books.
That being said--Edith Hamilton's Mythology and Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange. Ew.
Q: Architecturally, what is the most beautiful building/monument/whatever you've seen?
You know what, I completely agree with the sanctity of protecting books. I would never personally burn a book ever, it would be an incredible waste and even though I don't agree with the words, someone else will treasure it. Just figured I would emphasise how bad the book would have to be xD
I've never read any of them, I keep being told to read A Clockwork Orange. I saw clips from the film and even that weirded me out o.0
Answer: The Nagoya Castle or the Floating Torii Gate in Miyajima
Both incredibly beautiful, but the second one really did make me stop in my tracks and just stare in awe. Nagoya Castle clearly has some spectacular work on it, but that gate is so simple but effective.
Q. Digging through a pile of old bored games, which one has the most memories for you?
Don't read Clockwork. It literally, physically sickened me.
Oh, those are gorgeous!
A: Pretty Pretty Princess. You might have never heard of it, but it has a little board and a jewelry box with four sets of jewelry--earrings, bracelet, necklace. You spun to get around the board and picked up or lost jewelry as you went. The first to get the whole set got the tiara. I loved that game--everyone played it, even my dad. ;)
Q: What is your least favorite word in the English language--and why?
You know what, that's the same consensus I have for Chris actually; no doubt that during the BH&R era especially, he was absolutely gorgeous and manly and lovely. But, he is married and has 5 kids now! It's probably why I don't read any pairings with him...and I've only wrote one as a present.
Alright then, I shall avoid it ^^ I trust your opinion.
Can't say I've ever heard of that game before, but it sounds so cute! *googles* This game?
Answer: Moist. It's a disgusting word and it makes me feel ill saying it. Any word formation of Moist is just wrong. Oh...and goodbye. That's a word I don't like hearing either.
Q: Do you believe in Horoscopes?
It's...descriptive where it shouldn't be. And violent and just bad.
Yes, that one! Mine was older, but that's it. (I forgot the ring, too.)
Haha. I feel bad for "moist." No one likes it. :(
A: I'm absolutely in love with my zodiac sign, simply because I think it's pretty. I don't completely ascribe to them in that "I can't like you, you clash with me" sense or "I can't leave the house today, my reading is bad." But I get them every day on Twitter and kind of giggle a lot. A lot of times, they're fairly spot on. So, kind of?
Q: What is the stupidest joke you've ever heard?
Zodiacs are fascinating; I'm Pisces and I'm born in the year of the Horse...the correlation between the two is scarily accurate for the most part. I also disagree with that compatibility idea but over here in Japan, for some people, it's essential in their relationships. Sometimes I read them and I have no idea what they talking about, but it's still a subject I have a lot of love for.
-How does Mario contact the dead?
--He uses a Luigi board.
Q. What was your last dream that you can remember?
That's...actually kind of funny. :D
A: It was weird, from last night. My family and I were eating sushi (in reality, we don't) at this restaurant we actually go to. And we were making it, for some weird reason and it was all...wrong somehow. (You know how you can just tell in dreams?) And then there was one with chicken and I dismantled it and basically ate the chicken and my rice, but none of the rest. I always have weird dreams. ;)
Q: What is your favorite song to relax to?
What should Link do if he can't open the door?
Tri Force
That is a bizarre dream! Sorry you couldn't make the sushi properly, it can be a tricky mister but with trial and error (and proper tools), you can make it any time ^^ I would know, I live on it. That chicken one sounds funny though... just dismantling a chicken sounds obscure.
Answer: This is depending on my mood, but Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, Boadicea by Enya or Please Love Me, Once More by Akira Yamaoka.
In fact, Stairs of Fire, Promise, True, Melancholy Requiem...they all sound depressing but they are from Silent Hill soundtracks by Akira. All of them are just wonderful to sink away from the world to.
Q.Your house is burning down; your family and pets are all safe...what do you rescue?
Well, we don't eat it, so we've never tried it. And I tend to take food apart and eat what I like out of it, if anything. I'm baaad with food!
A: Oh. CRAP. I hate this question. In reality, I would probably die trying to save weird stuff. My stuffed cat that I've had forever. My Eeyore collection. My movies. My BOOKS (signed, special gifts, special editions...) I'd absolutely, though, get my jewelry. My class ring is a diamond dinner ring and I have a special claddagh.
Or I could just toss Dom and the wine on top of the piano and roll it out! ;)
Q: What toy have you stashed away since childhood? (Or maybe always take with you?)
And I'm out for the night! I've got an exam I tomorrow and I kind of have to get up to study because I didn't really tonight, in all the twitpic excitement. *headdesk*
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