I think I will actually have to see Juno now.

Jul 24, 2010 23:56

With regard to Inception, I can only reiterate: Holy wow. I know I'm late to the party, but unf. Christopher Nolan, all is forgiven. Just keep writing stuff like that and I don't give a shit how crappily the action sequences in your Batman movies are edited. ♥

Studying progresses apace. I've read about 550 pages of a 750 page book, with roughly 200 pages of that having taken place within the last 24 hours, and I'm still averaging above 70% on the chapter tests and miniquizzes if only barely which is all I really need. ^^; I might actually finish the book before I take the prep class on Tuesday! Wouldn't that be novel.

And I'm caught up on the Hetalia meme again! shut up, I totally am, it's still the 24th somewhere. No warnings this time; enjoy!

Day 21: Character you'd have in your party if you were in an RPG

Switzerland~ because he's super well trained and well armed and he's the most True Neutral thing that ever neutralled so I wouldn't have to worry about him turning evil or doing anything stupid in the name of Law or Justice or Sandwiches or whatever. Yes I did draw him in Mass Effect power armor why do you ask

Day 22: Another OTP of yours

France/England. The most historical rivalslash ever. Even though they drive each other crazy, they make an excellent (and by excellent I mean hilarious and failicious) team when they're not at each other's throats, and when it comes down to it, they really would be miserable without each other. ♥

Day 23: Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1

Hungary, again! I've been trying very hard not to repeat characters on this meme, but come on. It's Hungary, the badass fujoshi warrior princess with heart of gold and.... ovaries of steel or something, I dunno. The woman is just freaking hard core, and I love her even if I did have to redraw her lower body like fifteen times.

Day 24: Character with your favorite uniform/outfit

Denmark wins this one, though it was a close call. It's that coat, man. I want that coat.

art, flailing, movies, hetalia, financial things

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