Seriously, she could not have looked more embarrassed if we'd been buying porn.

Jun 20, 2008 15:41

This is all way too much fun. I blame laylah.

So, is this fun site where you input text and the site turns it into word art for you. You can tweak things like fonts and color scheme and layout, and then the computer does the rest. As I am not much of a fic writer (and the fics I do write I generally can't stand to look at once they're finished!), I didn't have that many documents to input, but I did run both the papers that had consumed my brain for the second half of spring quarter through the program. So you can come back here to see how they turned out.

This is the 17-page paper I wrote for my Language and Gender class on language, gender, and sexuality intersections in fandom, mainly by examining posts in the antiyaoi comm.

And this is the 8 page paper I wrote for my Women & Law class, discussing U.S. rape law. Really cheerful subject, as this no doubt shows.

Lastly, cos I'm a complete dork:

The rough backstory I wrote for my charming little dwarf sorcerer, Sid.

Today was our big day in Bryce: We got up early, went on a hike into the canyon while it was still cool, had a big lunch, rode along on the scenic drive, and then came home early because we were too bushed to do anything else. XD Tonight we pack up, and tomorrow we drive the 240-odd miles back to Las Vegas.

It's weird: Every time I go to Vegas, even for just an hour or so, I get so put off by the sleaze and the glitz and how shallow and flashy and without substance everything is, that I long for something more wholesome. Now, however, after spending a week in rural Utah, and after today watching my dad attempting to buy a bottle of wine to have with dinner (he had to go to the special part of a special store, and buy it from a young woman who would not meet his eyes, would barely speak to him, and for all intents and purposes behaved as if she thought he was the Devil himself), I kinda find myself wanting to head back to Sin City. >_>

hypocrisy yay!, wtf?, real life

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