Good: Over a year ago, my awesome friends pooled together and bought me a HyperPen tablet for my birthday, along with Corel Painter 8. :D
Bad: Because of memory issues, I couldn't use Painter for very long without causing my desktop severe and unbearable pain, and I was too clumsy with the tablet to replace the mouse with it entirely, so for a year the tablet didn't see much use.
Good: I now have a computer with 4 times the memory of the desktop, and the trackpad means I can switch back and forth between the tablet pen and a more familiar mouse format at will!
Bad: Since I hadn't used the tablet for months (and had moved from the old house to the new apartment in that time) and becuase my room was a godawful mess (because my ability to keep things tidy plummets near the end of every quarter) I could not find the pen!
Good: On Thursday I finally gave my room the cleaning it needed, and found the pen! And, after some trial and error (and remembering to replace the battery) got the tablet working on my computer!
Bad: Photoshop really doesn't seem to like it. D: I don't know why. I haven't installed Painter yet, so I guess we'll see how that goes.
Good: Tegaki E does seem to like it! So last night I stayed up late getting some practice in.
female!Akagi (just cos). Proprtions not great, but I was mostly practicing shading, which is also... not great.
Return of tengu Kaiji! Still not happy with the proportions, but much happier with the shading.
So anyway, I'm over there as
redbird. I hope to be productive there in the future.
(also, icon!)
Edit: Uploaded the pics to LJ's server, since hotlinking asn't working for everyone (myself included!)