Help me decide what to write next!

May 01, 2008 01:21

Okay, so, I have a few story idea floating around in my head, and I'm not sure which one I'm going to tackle next.  Why don't you all check these out and let me know which one you want to see next?  Or, you can prompt me if you have an idea, no promises that I'll write it, but hey, if you have an idea and I like it...

Anyways, story ideas:

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fic ideas, not fic, prompt me

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sindee1982 May 1 2008, 08:24:05 UTC
Wow, U got a lot of ideas running through UR head. I always look @ it this way: it's better to have too many then none at all, so @ least U have options. I personally enjoy whatever you've written, and am confident that U can pull off whatever U set UR mind too. But...if given the chance to prompt or pick from several choices...well, I can't resist. I am kinda liking the angle U were going with the Child Protective Services. Perhaps you can make it to where a certain branch of the agency in a yet-to-be named town is actually either a coven of witches/possessed who are either in league with various other possessed townsfolk to take children away from their parents. Why U may ask? Well, if they're witches, they generally sacrifice them during sabbaths, or if they are possessed by demons that escaped through the gate to hell, perhaps they are trying to corrupt these children to create a new generation of possible candidates for a demonic army (kinda like with Sam and the other gifted "kids" from S2, considering how that didn't pan out so well for Yellow eyes). IDK, just tossing out ideas. Also, I'm partial to darkness/angst, but I also love characters' backstories. The one U were considering doing about Mike and why he became a cop is interesting, and maybe U can plug in a line from Deep Dark, where Astaroth hints that his father was abusive and is now in hell. Again, just tossing out ideas :)


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