I Suck

Apr 30, 2008 23:44

Ug, my stupid Zombies story for the 
copsandhunters April challenge isn't going to be done on time, which makes me really sad.  I'm just having trouble with it, mainly with making it actually funny, instead of, you know, horrifying.  And gross.  I guess because I'm working on a story for the BT Virtual Season and it's really angsty and horrifying.  Sometimes I find that if I'm working on two different stories at once, I work faster overall, because if I get stuck on one, I just switch to the other for a while and it somehow helps.  Except, apparently, when I'm trying to go from comedy to drama and back again.

Also, it's turning out way longer that I wanted.  I was thinking 2000 words, MAX.  Yeah, that limit's been blown all to hell.  Guh, I'll probably just post it in segments.  Maybe I'll take part of what I've finished and post it tonight.

not fic, i suck

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