Fic: Go Down Swinging (3/3)

Apr 05, 2008 04:44

Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any money.
Spoilers: 3x12 Jus in Belo
Word Count: 3572
Summery: Victor Henriksen plans to go down swinging.
AN: It's done!   ...except not really, because I have at least two planned sequels, a short, really silly, one that takes place during this story and deals with ( Read more... )

fic, genre: drama, character: victor henriksen, fandom: supernatural, genre: gen, character: sam winchester, character: dean winchester

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tabaqui April 5 2008, 17:09:49 UTC
Ooooh, Victor!
It was such a bummer he had to go. This is *totally* what he would have done - become a hunter. And i love seeing the boys through an outsider's eyes.

Great stuff!


miss_aprosexia April 8 2008, 22:21:42 UTC
They really need to stop killing off my favorite minor characters (or just having them disappear into nothingness). It's annoying. Killing Gordon was bad enough, but Henriksen to? *sigh*


tabaqui April 8 2008, 22:29:39 UTC
I know!!
But i read later that the actor that plays him got a gig on some other show and just couldn't be there to continue the character, so at least the guys we love are working and moving ahead in their careers, which is nice.

But yeah - i want my Ash and Andy and Victor back!! And omg, Ellen, *please*!!!


miss_aprosexia April 8 2008, 23:16:44 UTC
I actually want Jo back. Am I the only person who liked her?

But yeah, Andy, Ash, Ellen, Victor. And Missouri. Also Ava, I loved her when she first showed up, you know, before the whole evil thing.

"I'm just a secretary from Peoria! I'm not a part of anything!"


tabaqui April 9 2008, 00:24:41 UTC
I liked Jo as she matured. As she was first given to us, she was annoying as all get out. I wouldn't mind 'Born Under a Bad Sign' Jo back *at all*.

*mourns Ava*

She was so *cute*. Damnit.


miss_aprosexia April 9 2008, 07:41:44 UTC
I think Jo made a terrible love interest and that was part of what soured people on her. I'm of the opinion that romances are better had between equals, and she just came across as such a kid that it seemed really weird to me. It might have worked better if they'd developed her as a character first and given her some time to grow into being the badass hunter she had the potential to be.

And Ava was totally adorable. Even when she was evil.


tabaqui April 9 2008, 15:23:59 UTC
Exactly. She was pushed as 'bad ass' and 'hot for Dean' from about minute three, and then we find out she's a drop out and has only been on a couple hunts in her life and her 'experience' is mostly second hand. It just didn' Especially 'cause Dean was so fucked up over his Dad's death it was just *not* the time for it.

And then there's what she said, she showed up to audition in jeans, boots, a black t-shirt and for filming she's given low-rise jeans and a belly shirt...

Blech. I'm not a 'omg, no grrrrrrrrls!! it'll ruin my show!!' kind of person, just...please, can we have the *right* girls? Sarah, for instance, from Provenance, *rocked*, as did Kat from Asylum.

It's good Kripke, et al, figured out the mistake but i hate that the network pushes stuff on them that's just so lame.


miss_aprosexia April 9 2008, 17:07:29 UTC
Pushes stuff on them? You mean like Bela? Does anyone actually like her? I've liked every reoccurring character on the show so far except for her. I tend to have a problem when women are represented as being successful because they're manipulative, backstabbing, and capable of using their sexual attractiveness to their advantage, rather than because they're intelligent, skilled, or otherwise capable. Those are nasty, insidious, and unfortunately very pervasive female stereotypes and it's made much worse when it's disguised as a "strong woman." Someone has some screwed up ideas about what makes women, or you know *people*, strong ( ... )


tabaqui April 9 2008, 17:15:28 UTC
Exactly. Making the character a 'bitch' - and dumbing down the other characters so they can be 'foiled' by her - is *not* making her a 'strong woman'. It's just lazy writing.

And oh gods, yes, word on the freakin' clothes! Please - if you're going to be digging up graves, or chasing down a creature, or rooting around in old warehouses or *whatever*, you don't need to do it in heels and a fully made up face. I get the whole 'network wants T&A!!' thing but for the love of *gods*...

Sarah rocked for *exactly* those reasons. She adapted to a fucked up situation with good grace and didn't act like an idiot. Same for Kat - she kept her head and did what needed to be done. Even the girl in Bloody Mary - Charlie? - she was freaked out and terrified but she had the sense to call the boys, to do what they said, to keep her wits about her. Just give me *reasonable competence*, for gods sake, and i'll be happy.

But send someone on a werewolf chase in four-inch-heels and i'll bitch-slap ya.

*wants more Ellen*


miss_aprosexia April 9 2008, 17:49:04 UTC
*wants more Ellen too*

I think it's possible to have clothing that's both sexy and practical. Fatigue pants + combat boots + tight tank top = sexy like whoa. And you can chase werewolves in it!

There's some actresses that can pull off the whole badass sexy thing perfectly, like Claudia Black (Farscape, Stargate) and Christina Cox (Blood Ties). I'd like to see them on Supernatural.


tabaqui April 9 2008, 17:56:19 UTC
Yes! man, i'm so bad with names. The chick who played Sarah Connor in the 'Terminator' movies. Talk about sexy *and* bad ass. And also bat-shit crazy, but hey! We like.

Hrmmmmmm...Zoe is gorgeous and will kick your ass. Ripley, ditto. And Princess Leia once she ditched the flowey white dress. And Kira on Deep Space Nine, and...

Just give me *competence*!! I want a chick who can actually *do the job*, get dirty, take pain, and yet isn't a raging bitch or some kind of manipulative whore. Is that too much to ask?


miss_aprosexia April 10 2008, 06:18:19 UTC
Yeah, basic competence would be nice. There is a distinct lack of female hunters of any sort in the show. It doesn't look like we'll be seeing either Jo or Ellen again and there hasn't been hide nor hair of Tamara. I wonder if they'll introduce another female hunter at some point? If they do, I'm hoping it's not a love interest. I'm not opposed to love interests, but it would be nice to see the character develop in her own right instead of being shoved straight into (and subsequently overshadowed by) a romantic subplot. *cough*jo*cough*

Anyways, okay if I friend you now?


tabaqui April 10 2008, 11:13:39 UTC
Yes! That's why i liked Ellen so much, i think, that she was no where *near* a romantic anything, although...Ellen/Dean... I could totally go for that.

Friend away!


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