I have frequently made note of the fact that there are a lot of fic writers out there who write the characters better than the canon team does these days. And I think ‘if fans get it, how the hell is the writing staff so off the mark?’ Very frustrating! I think most television suffers from a lack of guts. Not in the big story arches - like doing the end of the world - but in recognizing where a character is taking itself and GOING WITH IT. Case in point, S5 when Dean was so pissed at Sam… totally didn’t feel right. It’s like the writers decided ‘Dean’s going to be unforgiving on this’, but the problem: the past 4 seasons went to so much trouble making this Dean that would forgive his little brother ANYTHING, but did the writers listen to that? No. They were adamant Dean would be pissed at Sam, so they go and FORCE it, and it felt it. I feel the same way with Dean/Cas. Those two have been heading down one path, and it’s like someone in the writing room lifted their head up, saw the unexpected destination the characters were headed, and instead of working with it, totally panicked and warped the characters out of recognizable form to change their fate. So this fic was mostly me writing where I think Dean/Cas should have gone, based on where they’d been headed for two seasons. Glad my work’s getting you so riled up ;)
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