You know, I really don't mind staying up late. In fact, I quite like it. I'd go so far as to say I prefer it. However, there comes a point when it just gets ridiculous. I've been forcing myself to get up earlier in the mornings but that still doesn't encourage my body to shut down at a reasonable hour, and it's becoming terribly annoying, as I really don't have anything to do past say, 2am, as no one is up for me to talk to or anything.
Tonight I tried going to bed a little earlier. 2 instead of -what is it now- 4am? Didn't work. My mind wouldn't stop racing and although my apartment was relatively silent, my head wouldn't shut up. I'm being haunted by my own thoughts. I'm tired, but I can't sleep and I don't know what to do with myself. The more I think about not being able to sleep the more hopeless it seems.