its been a long time...

Mar 28, 2010 15:16

since i last blog.... though its onli a week plus.. but it seems like ive so much backdated dates n events tat ive yet to finish postin.. n yet.. i cant rem where i should start..BLAH!

so my exams were done.. its almost a goner to mi.. esp the last paper on friday.. the module tat i re-took.. realli do til i wanna cry.. as i realli duno wat to write.. i know nut bout system thinkin n i was so panicked when i mixed up all the BLOODY ARCHETYPES...*signs* reali hate to fail.. REALLI HATE IT.. i reali hope i could finish this final lap =(.. guan yin ma pls bless mi.. :'(

back to the topic.. i realised car still have lotsa photos that he has yet to send mi or watever.. goner~~~~

some helipad pics that i've yet posted..


suddenly craving for bubble milk tea.. i was the eskimo bubble tea~~ tried the one with mini pearls the other day.. its actually quite nice.. should find a chance to go get the popular KOI bubble's tea.. sucha lagger~~ nooby mi has yet to tried it~~~

n so finally TuzkiSnap is iTouch friendly~~ weeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~

so thats wat i've been doing in the midst of my mugging session BLEAH =X..still comtemplating whether to get the TuzkiSnap Pro at 1.99 or should i get Bejeweled 2 which is at 2.99~~hahahah~

so went for a shoppin trip down to town wif wan ling..n thanz for her, julia n my qin ai de for consoling mi~ anywhere.. din bought much stuff.. FEP is filled with online blogshop clothes.. its kinda sick n tired.. u c the same clothes almost at every blogshop.. n the its still the same in almost every FEP shops~~~~ onli managed to get a pair of shorts & an earring in F21~ mi n wl was raving bout our 'bags-tat-we-did-not-get'.. her 99 bucks mango bag n my 89 bucks BYSI bag..hahah! i finally managed to threw it off my mind jus after joinin a TW spree wif my qin ai de.. chosen 3, 1 of is the is BYSI/HERMES - inspired, the other is the one i din wanan get from tianfenlan as its kinda ex there =X

wanted to hav marche for dinner but the q is way to long.. so we waited for flyin chillies instead.. the food is rather mediocre.. wun be a second visit for us anymore.. we swear to q for marche no matter how long the q when we return again.. hhahaha!

end up we ordered the same main dish.. -.-''

was glad we finally had time for a date.. too bad julia n amanda didnt join us.. i realli miss my girls.. its like super duper miss tat kind.. lakopi next sat after amanda's test?? before u guys go into 100% MUGGIN SESSION??

my legs are full of mosquito bites n my whole body is achin~~~ attended my uncles weddin reception at the chalet.. its so damn hot the all commando mosquito onli aimed my legs!!!!! freako~~~

its a lazy sun.. no plans.. jus lazin ard.. gonna catch sleep.. guess its gonna be veri hectic at work tml.. got 5 days of emailsssssssssss to check.......................

till then! enjoy ur sunday!

helipad, shopping, besties

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