...Wow... I mean... WOW...

Apr 03, 2005 22:29

My day was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G
No doubt about it.
While the little argumentive moments got annoying, everything else over powers it.
We went by Taco Bell, which screwed up my Soft Tacos but oh well, and then went to Celebration Station and ate out in the sun... and then went for a walk and talked about names almost the entire time. That was nice.
And we went to Half Price Books before then, after picking up some energy drinks... so I couldn't stand still for very long...
And... We visited his mom and Emily at work. His mom's friend gave me a yellow balloon... Which he tied to my waist and I walked around with for awhile...
And we went by my house and grabbed a movie, then went to his house and watched it... Then soaked in the hot tub...
Then went back to my house, watched some TV with my mom, and took him home again...
Where I walked him to the porch... and we kissed goodnight...
And I swooned. Majorly.
I still feel so incredibly happy from it.
Holy shit, that man knows how to kiss.
Ahh... I love him so much. This is the one.
They say you can tell by the kiss.
Philip + Kathryn
Thank you so much for today, Philip.
Thank you so much for falling in love with me.
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