The year is rapidly coming to an end and I felt it was time to think on the new year and my resolutions for it. I have come up with the following. I believe I am doing well so far with a few but some improvement is always needed.
For those who can not read my unfortunate handwriting I have written it below. Does anyone have any of their own?
Resolution #1: Spread peace and love and glad tidings of great joy throughout the world. Also try to get out more.
Resolution #2: I will be charitable to people who use the term "core values," however difficult this may be.
Resolution #3: Notwithstanding Resolution #2 (above), I will redoublemy efforts to have the utterance of the phrase "core values" classifiedas a deadly sin. I believe Himself is with me on this one.
Resolution #4: I will try to be nicer to the customers. They wantto buy books; I want to sell them. It can't be that hard. (Memo toself: Regular opening hours? Mark prices on books?)
Resolution #5: I will try to be polite to Gabriel, no matter what the provocation.
Resolution #6: Find out exactly what an "Internet" is.
Resolution #7: Really must resume dancing lessons. Learn the "GallopingMajor," the "Gay Gordons," the "Mashed Potatoes." Possibly even the"Twist"?
Resolution #8: Thwart Infernal Wiles (ongoing).
Resolution #9: I will try to understand why Heaven is a non-smoking area.
Resolution #10: On the orders of Head Office I will encourage thebelief in Intelligent Design - despite the fact that the human airwaycrosses the digestive tract. Who thought that was intelligent?
Resolution #11: Feed the ducks.