Merlin, even if you don't make any sense sometimes, at least you make me laugh. Gawain, though? TOTALLY HOT. PLS TO BE STICKING AROUND. And that's basically the end of my coherency. My reactions are basically the same as everyone else's anyway.
Now on to interesting things I've done in the city recently.
Justine Larbalestier and Holly Black hosted a debate about zombies and unicorns to promote their new book. It was ridiculous and awesome. For the side of zombies: Maureen Johnson, Scott Westerfeld, and Libba Bray. For unicorns: Alaya Dawn Johnson, Naomi Novik, and Holly Black. Their arguments and stories were hilarious (of course) and Libba ended it all with a song (in which she called Jesus a zombie). It was basically brilliant and completely cemented my undying love for her. Seriously, my idol. Afterwards, I bought Leviathan in paperback and had Scott sign it. It took everything not to be a complete fangirl and I am so lame when talking to authors anyway. I can never think of anything to say other than "OMGILOVEYOU I WANT TO CURL UP INSIDE YOUR MIND AND LIVE THERE FOREVER." So, um, not really appropriate.
Took the bus to Philadelphia immediately after Zombies vs. Unicorns then drove eight hours back home with my brother. He is ridiculous to take road trips with. He eats the weirdest all-natural organic shit and has to have a bathroom break like every hour. But it's still great fun. And we couldn't find anyone to stay with at the halfway point so we just camped out (tent and everything) in a state park.
The point of the whole road trip was going to my cousin's wedding. That was great to see all my cousins (which is a lot, I'm Irish Catholic) even though I didn't know many people there. And dinner was freaking delicious.
Then Brother and I drove all the way back the next day. It took us about six hours to actually get on our way and then I had to try and prevent him from falling asleep at the wheel. So that was exciting!
The website
Eat, Sleep, Draw had a meetup today in Central Park. The first 40 people to show up got free sketchbooks so I knew I had to go. And I was actually the first there. Shocking. So I got a sketchbook (from
ecosystem) and I actually really love it. Pretty good for free swag. Bonus: someone else brought (freaking delicious) homemade cookies too! Then we walked around the park and drew stuff. It was basically awesome. To add amazing to awesomeness, 40 people didn't show up so everyone got TWO sketchbooks. Then I took the bus home and watched Merlin. BANNER DAY.
Hopefully tomorrow will be as beautiful as today was because I want to go back to Central Park to do my drawing homework (two 2 hour drawings) as it is full of interesting things.
Oh and also, HAPPY OCTOBER! It's my favourite time of year. Apple cider, PUMPKIN FLAVOURED FOOD, cardigans, pretty colors, Halloween, and a thousand of every good thing.