It's finally happened...

Sep 16, 2012 22:55

So, the kids (well, primarily D.C.) have worn me down. They're *demanding* school lunch, and who-exhausted as most mothers are-could see fit to deny them? Is denying their request worth BOTH spending half an hour each morning writing clever notes and making sammiches AND getting them home again at least once a week? No need for lunch money, after all... even if they weren't on free/reduced lunch, the school has a policy that they NEVER refuse a kid lunch... which is great and all, considering what a poor neighborhood this is, but still. Sometimes kids are just jerks who are *refusing* to eat their perfectly healthy and existent home lunch! Doesn't matter: there's no discernment. If a kid says he wants lunch, he gets it... the bill just gets sent home later.

OK, OK, so bullies don't get to beat kids up for their lunch money anymore... Does anyone really think the problem was ever THE LUNCH MONEY and not, say, the fact that the kids back then thought it was OK to use violence? Talk about treating a symptom not a cause.
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