(no subject)

Jul 29, 2010 16:16

Here we go again...

Day 05 - Your favorite quote

This changes constantly. I am forever finding new sources of inspiration, and (quite pathetically) I highly enjoy my own writings, as well. I can tell you that my favorite SOURCES for quotes are The Bible, songs by Rush, and the writings of Richard Powers. All that said, I think I'll go with an old stand-by, that's also been on my profile here for yonks:

"You'll find me down with the REAL fans - ankle-deep in blood and beer!" -- Lisa Simpson, at a hockey match

Day 06 - Whatever tickles your fancy

Hrm. Not sure how to proceed with this one. If I were good at open-ended things, I wouldn't need a prompt list to craft journal entries. Whatever can I talk about?

Well, I guess I could discuss all of my exciting new news. Many of you already know that I'll be going back to school this fall. I'm taking classes towards an English degree, but I often gaze wistfully at the Math department listings. Doing Math, after all, makes me feel awake and alive. English is fun, too, but in a more strenuous way. It's like the difference between aerobics and yoga - Math is my yoga: it energizes and relaxes me at the same time.

Anyway, I'm doing English instead, for a variety of reasons, and probably minoring in either Comparative Literature or Informatics. I want to go after an MLS in graduate school. Maybe then, I'll get a job at a University library, and be able to get a discount on tuition, and then go back to studying Math.

The other big thing on my horizon is that I'll be doing a play for the first time since, sheesh!, high school. James talked me into auditioning for City Circle Acting Company in Coralville, who are doing Once on This Island in October. I've been cast as the Mother. It's thrilling and terrifying all at once, especially with the added stress of working nearly full time and starting back to school. I'm liable to be a nervous wreck, but boy will it be fun!
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