in which some not-so-unpleasant pondering is done...

Nov 16, 2009 21:51

I recently came across the following article, via Go Fug Yourself:

15 Literary Characters [They'd} Totally Sleep With

In case you're link-phobic, or just don't care about their reasoning, here's the basic run-down: Dr. Carlisle Cullen (the dad from Twilight, it seems,) Jay Gatsby, Mr. Darcy, Ned Nickerson (from Nancy Drew, apparently,) Atticus Finch, Heathcliff, James Bond, Holden Caulfield, the Phantom of the Opera, Aragorn, Gilbert Blythe (from Anne of Green Gables; I disagree with many of these just because I don't know the source,) Noah Calhoun (the Notebook,) Logan (Babysitters Club series,) Macbeth, and Rhett Butler.


I don't think there's a single name there I agree with. To be fair, I haven't read several of the books. Still, there are some FAR better choices out there, IMHO. So, I figured, why not?

Here they are:

(disclaimer - although the original list included plays, I'm going to try to keep this to novels)

1) the narrator in Dostoyevsky's White Nights

2) Atreyu in Michael Ende's the Neverending Story

3) Mance Rayder from George R. R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series

4) Remus Lupin, J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series

5) Felix Rayman in Rudy Rucker's White Light

6) Sherlock Holmes

7) ...

You know what? Screw this! I've had this window open for the past 2 days, and I can't for the life of me think of even 7. Either I'm way too picky, or I'm reading the wrong books!!
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