Z's 2023 Wardrobe: Trading with Myself

Feb 11, 2023 18:11

Welcome once again to my wardrobe! I was all set to not do this, but it's the only way I sort through my clothes every year, sooo...  Here we go again!

This wardrobe post is otherwise known as "The Lazy Edition" because it's my laziest one yet. This year I'm only doing main pieces (dresses and skirts with just a few other notable additions thrown in), along with matching headwear/set items/bags.  Dresses went straight from the closet to the rug right next to them and then right back into the closet again. On a related note, this was by far the fastest I've ever taken pictures of so many dresses. Still putting Lolibrary links though cause info is good.

Same sardine situation, different year

What's changed this year?

  • This was a year of seller's remorse, and I have successfully recovered a variety of items I forced myself to sell in the past to make up for new dresses. (This is what I "traded" with myself.)
  • Eliminated most reds and plain blacks, gained a few more blue/sax prints.
  • Swapped out some colors for other colors of the same thing.
  • Mostly limiting myself to pre-2008 pieces at this point.
  • Other items (blouses/coats/socks/shoes) didn't really change, you're not missing much.
  • I (still) have too many dresses.


Oldschool OPs with Babydoll Kumya

Emily Temple: Unknown Cutsew OP (silver tag, pre-1998), Innocent World: Ribbon Doll OP (2005), Shirley Temple: Another Unknown Cutsew OP

These Emily/Shirley OPs are the best thing for lazy, comfy cuteness. They even have pockets!

With AP Ladder Lace Headdress (2007, left), IW Petit Rose Headdress (2007, right) and Baby Ribbon Heart Bag

BtSSB: Chambre JSK (2006), Innocent World: Noble JSK (2008)

You saw both of these last year, and will be seeing them in my wardrobe for a long time to come.

With Baby Headdress, Taobao Choker, Lost Tree (Taobao) bonnet

Emily Temple Cute: Crown + Cross JSK (1998-2000?), Emily Temple (not Cute): Ballerina Cameo JSK (silver tag, pre-1998), Emily Temple Cute: Angel Print JSK (2003)

I find myself loving old Emily Temple more and more... They're one of the brands that actually uses great materials for all their stuff! (Why they're the only brand shoes I'll buy now too!) Especially this Ballerina JSK, which is made of 100% wool and is very warm.

With ETC socks that got totally cut off on the left

Emily Temple: Cinderella Print JSK , black fur cape (both silver tag, pre-1998), pink fur tippet

Shirley Temple: Angora Cardigan, cream fur cape, pink heart pochette

This Cinderella print JSK is the same oddly thick material and unusual offwhite print color as the crown+cross JSK above it, making me think they're very close in age.

Also other random Shirley/Emily Temple items I've acquired this year.

With a random Taobao headdress

Innocent World: Rose and Lily Emblem JSK (2005), Rose Embroidery Polka Dot JSK (2006), Ribbon Rose OP (2006)

The Ribbon Rose OP is the same as Rose + Lily Emblem, but is a special release for the Umeda shop. It's longer and made of chiffon!

With Baby Napoleon Fish Bag (left, 2004), and h.Naoto Blood Rose Print Bag (right)

Innocent World: Gertrude JSK (2010),  h.Naoto Frill: Halter Neck A-Line OP (2011)

This Frill "OP" was one I regained this year. My original was my official "birthday dress", and one of the first dresses I'd gotten... But I sold it, and regretted it terribly for years. This one has slightly different fabric and has a side zip that my original didn't have, making it far more convenient to put on.

A random odd tidbit: The crown on the Fish Bag is actually wider on the 2004 version than any other year, and that's how I can tell which it is.

With offbrand socks that match oddly well.

Emily Temple Cute: Damask Flocky JSK, (2003?) BtSSB: Flocky Check JSK (2003)

I don't actually know about this ETC dress, but I do know that Moitie used the exact same flocky fabric for their "Printed Tweed JSK" from 2003, so it's likely from a similar year.

Flocky Check is my oldest Baby dress!

With IW replica socks, Baby Napoleon Crown Bag, and Classical Angel headdress

Innocent World: To the Ball Bustle JSK (2007), Classical Angel JSK (2007)

Both excellent dresses I haven't worn in far too long.

With Meta Lace-Up Rose Satin Jacquard Half Bonnet (2014, blending in on the left), h.Naoto tiered velvet ruffle bag, Innocent World Headdress with Brim (2005, right)

Metamorphose: Mini Wedding Gown (Rose Satin Jacquard) (2014), Mary Magdalene: Chrome Ribbon Bouquet JSK (2004)

This Meta dress is another one I owned before. I felt bad about selling it because it was my mom's favorite dress of mine and she missed it!

With Innocent World Glitter Seraphim Ribbon Clip, Loris star bag, and a bunch of star clips

Innocent World: Glitter Seraphim JSK (2012), Angelic Pretty: Radiant Candlelight Halter Neck JSK (2013), Innocent World: Crown Carousel Bustle JSK (2016)

Metallic prints! I traded some Fleuvogs for this AP dress this year, and it's my favorite trade yet.

With BtSSB Koitsukihime Headbow

BtSSB: Koitsukihime JSK (black and white, 2006), AaTP: Stained Glass Angel JSK (2009)

Still haven't gotten to use this white Koitsukihime for my wedding yet, we're lazy. Someday!

With black Loris bag

Victorian Maiden: Tears Bustle JSK (2005), AaTP: Hymn Long JSK (2009)

Hymn is still one of the longest dresses that actually looks good on me! I like to wear it for Christmas/New Years season, but completely missed my chance this year.

With Moitie Bat Hand Bag, Grimoire of Moonlight socks+headbow, and h.Naoto Frill tiered ruffle bag

AaTP: Castle of Nightmare Vest and Skirt (2010), Grimoire of the Moonlight Forest JSK (2012)

Apparently, my gothic JSKs have shrunk this year.. Probably because I'm gothic/punky all the time I'm not in dresses, so when I dress up these days I want to be fancier.

Cutsew OPs!

Putumayo: Rose Window Princess Sleeve OP (2012), Cross Flare Sleeve Cutsew OP (2012), Unknown Rose Print Fishtail OP

Two of these are new this year, so they're here with the rest of the dresses even though they count as "casual wear". The one on the right was a birthday present!

With new shoes from Gururu (black with blood spatters on soles, very cool!) and Modo (white)

Hangry & Angry: Patchwork Cutsew OP, sweater

Couldn't get through the year without just one H&A picture. Its been nearly impossible to get new H&A this year because a certain person in Japan has been instantly buying literally everything good off Mercari and flipping it on Fril for up to 20x the price she paid. She is my mortal enemy and I refuse to give her my money.

OP was received in an excellent trade!

with h.Naoto bag (left), La Luice Bunny Bag (right)

h.Naoto Jelly: Check JSK, Angelic Pretty: Heart Pocket JSK (2005?)

I used to have a version of this h.Naoto JSK that was made of denim. Sold it cause it was an awkward material to wear... And, you guessed it, regret! Here's a version I think I'll wear more.

Still no idea which release this Tartan AP is, but it seems like 2005 was the only year that used the larger lace on the bottom in front..?

With a basically invisible Baby headdress, and Baby Angel Grosgrain Boston Bag (2007)

BtSSB: Floral Pattern JSK (2006), AaTP: Mearia Bouquet JSK (2011), BtSSb: Angel Grosgrain JSK II (2007)

Idk why I didn't have Mearia sooner, but the second I realized it was corduroy I bought it.

Angel Grosgrain set was a lovely Christmas present from my friend! <3

With Innocent World Socks, Michal Negrin cherub necklace, and IW Angel Rose Bag

Innocent World: Rococo Tulle OP (2005), Angel Rose Cross Ribbon JSK (2007)

Two florals that are almost the exact same color, so they get to use the same socks. Rococo Tulle is new this year! I got to fix all the shirring on it when I got it.

Angel Rose is one of my absolute favorites still.

Innocent World: Romantic Rose JSK (2010), Ribbon Tape Long JSK (2009)

Been looking for the Ribbon Tape JSK for years! It's so cool how the skirt is made of so many panels of fabric!

Excentrique: Floral Napoleon Button JSK (2012), Metamorphose: Tiered Long JSK (2001)

There's no information on this Excentrique JSK, but a different color of the same dress was worn by the magician Koyomi in Kamen Rider in 2012. She wore an Excentrique cape from 2012, so I'll guess they got the dress at the same time.

This long Meta JSK is my treasure of the year! I thought for sure I'd lose the auction on it even though I was ready to pay more than I did.. Meeting it in person, I feel it's worth even more! It feels like it was tailor made to me. It's *perfect*!

With Baby Napoleon Fish Bag (2004), AaTP Queen's Coach Headbow (2010, left), Grosgrain Headbow (right)

AaTP: Queen's Coach JSK (2010), Innocent World: Strawberry Rose Garden JSK (2009)

Queen's Coach is another favorite print!

With that same Baby Napoleon Fish Bag I love, Innocent World Grazia Crown Socks

Victorian Maiden: Royal Tartan JSK (2011), Innocent World: Grazia Crown JSK (2011/2014?)

Still no idea about this Garzia crown with the Lucky Pack-style straps.

With Baby Angels and Roses Gobelin Bag (2004), Bolsa Sovelana gobelin bag

Emily Temple Cute: "Moitie Lookalike" Gobelin JSK (????), Gobelin/velveteen OP (silver tag, 1997, False Pocket JSK (ETC tag, 1998)

Excellent gobelins! The OP and false pocket JSKs use the same exact gobelin and trim, but have different tags. I'm guessing they're from consecutive years right when Emily Temple became Emily Temple Cute, but I don't really know.

Falso Pocket JSK doesn't actually have pockets, just flaps... But the OP has pockets. Go figure.

With new Sheep Puff shoes (pink glitter), and Emily Temple Cute bowknot shoes and buckle platforms

BtSSB: Sweet Fruit A La Mode Cutsew OP and cutsew top (2009)

This Sweet Fruit OP was my funny goal dress for this year cause I didn't have nearly enough casual pink. The top was a nifty giftie! Both came just in time for my strawberry milk tea obsession.

The ETC platforms are the ultimate oldschool shoes and you can't even see them..

With AaTP Grosgrain Ribbon Headdress (left), Pina Sweetcollection Headdress (right)

Innocent World: English Rose JSK, Short+Long Versions (2010)

One of my fave warm weather dresses!

With Baby Ribbon Heart Bag and Milk-Chan Pochettes, Baby Grosgrain Ribbon Headbow, Jesus Diamante barette, and Innocent World Dorothea Rose Headband

BtSSB: Floral Pattern JSK (2006), Mary Magdalene: Rose Garden JSK (2010)

Don't let this Mary Magdelene dress fool you by looking relatively plain, it's awesome!

With Baby Ribbon Heart Bag, Innocent World Rachel Headbow (2008, left), IW Rosebud Round Headbow (2012) and ETC cupcake necklace

Innocent World: Rachel JSK in pink floral and pink x white (2008)

The pink floral version of this is another one I had before, sold because I had 2 of this same dress, and reclaimed this year.

I will eternally be looking for the black+white version of this, it seems.

With offbrand headbow, and IW Headdress with Brim (2005, right)

BtSSB: Floral Print A-Line JSK (2006), Millefleurs: Rose Bouquet and Georgette OP (2010)

Previously had this Millefleurs OP in white but sold it in favor of the pink version.

With Baby Napoleon Fish Bag (white this time, still 2004 version), Corgi-Corgi headdress (left), VM Rococo Bouquet Headdress (right)

Excentrique: Instrument Print Corset JSK (2008, only the skirt is on lolibary), Victorian Maiden: Fairy Doll Rococo Dress (2011)

Last time I wore this Excentrique JSK it was such a big hit that someone asked to buy it off me!

With Meta Angel Garden headbow and Taobao crown headband

Metamorphose: Angel Garden Ribbon JSK (2011), Innocent World: Angel Print JSK (2005), Victorian Maiden: Rose Annette JSK (2005)

IW Angel Print is still a champion of dresses.

I have swapped my pink Rose Annette for a beige one this year.

With offbrand/handmade bonnet, IW Antique Book socks, AP Musee Du Chocolat socks+necklace, Axes Femme basket bag and a Taobao babushka I wear all the time

Innocent World: Antique Book JSK (2010), Angelic Pretty: Musee du Chocolat Low Waist JSK (2013), Excentrique: Dobby Check Corset JSK (2008)

Can you believe I still haven't gotten to go on a picnic in this check dress I call my "picnic dress"?

A random fun Z fact: I was proposed to while wearing Musee du Chocolat!

With unknown indie bag, AP socks (left), AaTP Barette, IW socks and Angel Rose bag (right)

Innocent World: Elda JSK (2009, original release),  Angel Rose Bustle JSK (2007)

Yeah, it's another Angel Rose.

With Baby Angels and Roses Gobelin Bag (2004), Taobao babushka I live in in the summer, and Chantilly bonnet

AaTP: St. Mephisto Cathedrale JSK (2010), Vampire Prelude JSK (2012)

Love my purple goth prints but would still die for black Vampire Prelude.

With IW Dorothea Rose Headdress

Emily Temple Cute: Unknown Rose JSK, BtSSB: Galetta JSK (2006)

This ETC dress is the perfect Marie Antoinette colors <3

With Innocent World socks, Baby Grosgrain Ribbon Headbow

Mary Magdalene: Eglantyne JSK (2004), Blauer Vogel: Long Rose Print JSK (????)

Eglantyne JSK is such an excellent princess dress!


With Moitie headdress and Bat Handbag

Moi Meme Moitie: Holy Queen Skirt (2009), Double Lace Flare Skirt (2008)

I have ongoing plans to wear this Double Lace Flare skirt to the next funeral I have to go to, which is why it remains as the only plain black piece in my wardrobe.

Innocent World: Bellfower Skirt (2007), Angel Rose Basket Skirt (2008)

Idk why but it's actually pretty rare to find A-line oldschool skirts, and I just don't look good in skirts with short waistbands.

With St. MEphisto Cathedrale headbow and socks, and Baby Pop Up Labyrinth Bonnet

AaTP: Opal Church Choir Skirt (2016), Merry Making in the Ghost Town Skirt (2013), St. Mephisto Cathedrale Skirt (2010)

Yeah, I have more gothic skirts than dresses now..

With Axes Femme gobelin bag

Innocent World: Rose Corduroy Skirt (2005), Rococo Rose Skirt (2005)

Also more brown skirts than dresses since I like wearing skirts in the fall with boleros.

With VM Classical Bouquet Headdress and Corgi-corgi headdress

Victorian Maiden: Classical Bouquet Tiered Skirt (2011), Innocent World: Almost English Rose Skirt (????)

This IW skirt is unknown. It's not the same print or model # as English Rose, but it's the same exact cut/design.  English Rose also didn't come in brown corset+beige/pink skirt color.

With AaTP Queen's Coach bonnet + socks, 2 Baby hair combs, and Taobao bag

AaTP: Queen's Coach Corset Skirt (2010), BtSSB: Early Summer Chocolate Parfait Skirt (2012)

Not sure about this baby skirt.. It's obviously very different than the rest of my wardrobe, but I'm determined to wear it at least once this summer with a tanktop to go consume massive amounts of icy sweets.


Because I've been working on upgrading my jewelry, here's my Michal Negrin collection that I'm finally proud of. (With one ETC cupcake necklace and without rings cause I forgot them) Michal Negrin is exactly what I'm looking for when I want to be a princess! People sell them pretty cheap if they're missing even one gemstone, but they're easy to fix.

Bonus... Phone Cases??

This year I was forced to "upgrade" my excellent slide keyboard phone to a modern phone I can't type on, but I *can* finally use phone cases... And luckily there were cute options for me from Japan! I've tried to make cases and system icons to match all my basic looks. :D

*No, I don't have two phones, I just edited in a second picture to show off the icons

Black&white lace-up case made by me with a big bow off Mercari, pink cameo case from Lafula (Yahoo Shopping)

Theme: Made by me using AP's Holy Lantern print!

Black book-style case decorated by me with silver embellishments, h.Naoto case entirely made by me with real h.Naoto fabric

Theme: Victorian frames, made by me. This is what I was using on my previous phone.

Floral suitcase print case: Mina Corporation (Rakuten), Floral striped case: Lafula (Yahoo Shopping)

Theme: Floral striped wallpaper, made by me

Chocolate case: Tom Sawyer (Rakuten) with Q-pot charm and hold ring

Theme: Made by me using assets from the Q-pot phone! I always wanted the Q-pot phone...

Final Stats

That's it for this year! I spent a record-breaking 3 hours taking pictures and about 3 hours on this post, for a total of 6 hours. That's extremely fast, considering last year's giant post took me a whopping 21 hours!

This year my final total is *drumroll*

Dresses: 65 JSKs, 2 formal OPs, 6 casual OPs (pictured, there are more of course) (that's a gain of 7 dresses when I was supposed to have less x.x' )

Skirts: 13 (not counting casual skirts)

*Other items were not pictured, so I'm too lazy to count them. If you're curious about my other stuff, go check out my last year's post! They've mostly stayed the same! I think I sold a coat and gained a blouse...? Any other notable gains were among the dresses here.

I clearly did not succeed in my goal this year of getting down to 45 dresses. -.-

...But I did wear dresses more often, so there's that.

I did get my two big goal items of the year, the Sweet Fruit a La Mode Cutsew OP and the white Napoleon Fish Bag! (Bag thanks to my awesome friend!!)

Goals for Next Year

  •  Seriously, sell some dresses. My closet is full. :x Starting off by eliminating inferior fabrics and higher waists that can't be improved by corsets!
  • Still looking for that Rachel JSK in black+white (I say after saying my closet is full)
  • Mary Magdalene Old Rose JSK in any color, and Arabesque Rose JSK in iris
  • Other non-dress items to find: Victorian Maiden doll hat in black! (This is more of a "force myself to overspend on it" since I've passed it up many times due to price..), Vampire Prelude bonnet

As always, I hope this was helpful to someone! Next year I'm hoping yet again that I have very little to update, but it always helps to reassess so I might just take pictures of everything anyway. What can I say, I like admiring my treasures!

See you next year!
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