Been Gone...

Oct 16, 2008 09:58

first of all happy birthday to w_tsubasa 
It's her bday today! We've been friends for a while now but lately have not talked, I'm sorry, I still love ya!<3

And to everyone else. I don't plan on updating LJ for a long time.  The next update and probably be my last is my return trip from the NEWS concert @dome.  Does anybody want me to shop for anything in Japan for you?  If so, lemme know! Anywho I do miss reading your lj's and fangirling about these boys with you all.  But right now I'm so occupied with my career that there was no time and even now, no time to update or fangirl anymore. Most ppl wouldn't understand me anyway since everyone is so much younger here.  So that is that, catch me on msn if still want to fangirl~.  My next update is in the year 2OO9! See ya then!

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