the best purchase I ever made

May 23, 2008 19:18

So I was browsing kino and saw a picture of a coach scarf on the front cover and I'm like, NO WAY they wouldn't give one for free even if it's in the magazine. I asked to open it and I skimmed through and lo and behold my instincts were correct... A FREE COACH SCARF!!!! OMG what a deal, the fashion magazine was $13.00 and karina was on the cover. She's absolutely gorgeous. And I said, best purchase I ever made hahahaha.


whoa karina is sporting coach too and she looks hot in it.

I was watching hitmitsu no arashi chan last week and it was a very good episode! What are these kinds of girls called? I just call them ganguro like cuz I don't know what else. They are so HOT and look they gave a plain looking girl who was the camera staff a makeover to look like one of them, THAT'S SO AMAZING. That means I can look like one too! lol I wish I wish (>_<) Gosh look at their nails and hair and well everything! I like the middle one and her huge flowers on the hair, she's the most cho kawaiiest lol

nails & eyes, it's all about the eyes

lol@aiba, playing with the models<3

ne I wonder if this is tegoshi type of girl. I would say..YES!?! Look at him, I call him the ganguro boy of JE. First thing that I think of when I see him:

hahahaha SEEE look he belongs with these people right.  Except he looks more gay and girly.  He's soo girly that it's disgusting me and Rie and I love to talk shit about him cuz he's retarded. AI AI GASA PV, ah need I say more?

Tegoshi is:
  • body (lol)
  • slutty
  • ganguro p.o.s.
  • girly
  • gay
  • conceited

but i love him =)

So the new news from Massu is just a talk show recording something something? Yeah only exciting for people who are in Japan. I thought it would be something GOOD lol. Aww massu
And Dr. YamaP? LOLOL This drama is gonna be soo exciting, I absolutely cannot wait for it. Gaki+Toda+Pi=blow me away. lame xD

btw, narnia movie is on streaming already, thanks to kaza for finding it wahaha <3 I'll be watching it right after I post this. Love you guys ~ please give me more hehehe,

pictures - others, download - movie, rant - other

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